Favorite Games Vaguely Ranked

Here are X number of games that meant a lot to me at different points of my life roughly ordered by how much I like them. I started gaming in the PS2 era so I don't have any nostalgia for games from before then. Tried to minimize number of entries a single series has so for example Pokemon Platinum represents all Gen 4 Pokemon, but some series have multiple entries when I had distinctly different experiences/feelings about the titles.

Portal 2
Portal 2
I loved Valve's output around this time and was so excited for this game since I really liked the original Portal. It completely lived up to the hype in my adolescent mind and I absolutely loved it. This still holds up super well, both single player and co-op. I've played through the co-op with many different friends and have always had fun, plus workshop support gives it longevity.


The Last of Us
The Last of Us
I literally bought a PS3 to play this and have no regrets. One of the first real serious narratives in gaming I connected with emotionally and the gameplay is superb as well. I love the sequel as well, but this one is just a little better to me, narrative is tighter IMO.


Pokémon Platinum Version
Pokémon Platinum Version
I was so obsessed with Pokemon when I was a kid, especially gen 3+4. Platinum was my favorite Gen 4, being a strict upgrade over Diamond and Pearl while also topping SoulSilver and HeartGold IMO.


I wonder if this game will ever die, been going strong for 10+ years now. Multiplayer and mod support are what give it such staying power to me, but the base game is sublime especially so when it originally came out.


Halo 3
Halo 3
This campaign rocks, even though it was the first Halo I played the narrative still held my attention. The gameplay was the real star though, every level was super fun and even now it's a joy to blast through on heroic or legendary with some friends.

The multiplayer was also sweet. I mostly just played custom games with people, but there were so many cool maps and game modes, especially with that ODST DLC disk.


SuperGiant games baby!!!! They nailed the gameplay loop, making it super satisfying even if you're losing. The real staying power for me came from the narrative and characters. I wanted to succeed in my runs so I could see more of the story and see the characters arcs resolved. One of the few games I got every achievement for. Also since it's SuperGiant obviously the soundtrack is incredible.


Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2
It's so much chaotic fun to go through a campaign in this. The zombie gore makes shooting common infected insanely satisfying and all the special infected keep gameplay from getting monotonous. The only thing L4D1 has over this is that when the survivors died in the first game they would ragdoll in ways that were often funny, but in this game their corpse has to be rigid for defib usage.

Also like all Valve games of this time, there's this subtle, subterranean lore in the background that I liked learning about. I played this on the 360 the most, but on PC the modding community allows for even more endless fun with custom maps.


Pokémon Emerald Version
Pokémon Emerald Version


Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth


Muv-Luv Alternative
Muv-Luv Alternative
I'm including Muv Luv Unlimited in my estimation of this game since they're so connected. The most accurate thing I can say about this game is that I understand why people say that this is the greatest visual novel of all time. I'm still a bit of a neophyte in the visual novel genre, but it's my favorite experience so far. It drags in some parts but to me the highs are so high it almost doesn't matter.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
The space opera to end all space operas! Honestly even remastered I think ME1 is kinda bad, maybe like 5/10, but ME2 and ME3 are so great it doesn't really matter. ME1 is also only like 14 hours long, while the other two games are like double that so playing this collection you spend much more time playing the good games and boy are they good. The DLC for 2 and 3 is pretty awesome too.

ME2 tightens up the gameplay from 1 so much, removes annoying stuff like inventory management and Mako sections, and adds great characters. The loyalty missions are a great way to get to know the characters too.

ME3 simplifies things even further, maybe a little too far, but gameplay feels amazing. The dialogue in missions in 2 and 3 is so good it made me want to replay missions with different squads just to hear everyone's reactions. Some characters are duds here, but overall it builds up the stakes beautifully and is exciting the whole time. A lot of people were/are pissed about the ending, which yeah isn't the best, but I don't think it sours the whole game.


Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker




Halo: Reach
Halo: Reach


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
I'm casually competitive in this game, meaning I'm the best out of my friends but at tournaments I usually go 1-2 or 2-2 in bracket and never practice. From that perspective this game is a lot of fun, so many characters to play and it's somewhat balanced, especially compared to prior entries. I think the single player World of Light is decently fun, but obviously not as good as Brawl's single player. This game feels to me like if Smash for WiiU was like 30% better. I've put hundreds of hours into this game, definitely in my top 5 or 10 most played games ever.

Unfortunately since it's Nintendo the online is pretty bad, better than ever before, but still bad. Also this is a bit unfair, but compared to Melee watching matches at the highest level is a lot more boring.


A short experience, but one full of entertainment. Glados might be the best villain in all of gaming and she is definitely the reason you keep playing, but the puzzles are fun too.

Fun anecdote: I don't remember exactly when I first played this, but when it first came out I was in elementary school and my first time playing I just didn't understand how the portals worked and would just make an infinite loop and keep walking through it cause I thought I was going somewhere.


The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II
I still don't really get what the controversy is about, it's a great sequel to a great game, narrative isn't quite as strong IMO but gameplay is improved. The visual and audio department are both incredible and show an insane attention to detail.


A real unique experience at the time of its release. The characters are so memorable, the soundtrack is full of earworms, and the gameplay is simple yet challenging.


Persona 5
Persona 5
Probably the first JRPG I played that wasn't Pokemon and boy was it a good one! It has so many things to keep you interested. The overall vibes are great, since the game is incredibly stylistic and has a fire soundtrack. It's cool seeing all the new Persona creatures you can fight and craft, the plot kept me interested, and developing social links was mostly a lot of fun.


The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead


God of War Ragnarök
God of War Ragnarök


It Takes Two
It Takes Two
Just overflowing with gameplay ideas, truly awe inspiring in a lot of ways. If you or someone you know likes 3D platformers it's a can't miss.


Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
Uncharted 1 is still kinda jank and weird on here, but overall an enjoyable game.

Uncharted 2 and 3 are awesome. The story is carried by its characters, namely Nathan Drake and Sully. I honestly don't really remember what the specific plots are from these titles, but I remember the great charisma and voice acting. The gameplay is fairly standard for a 3rd person shooter, but the maneuverability of Nathan adds some uniqueness and most gun fights are satisfying. The insane set pieces and different locales are basically what the series is known for and for good reason. The mechanical depth of sections like falling out of the plane in 3 or climbing the train in 2 is nothing crazy, but the visual spectacle makes those moments feel amazing.


Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
I honestly haven't even touched this in a couple years at this point and sometimes when my mind wanders I'm playing this game in my head, trying to imagine a sick combo.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
This is a game that's like a couple changes away from being one of the best games ever made. There are so many good ideas here, many of which are well executed, but just a couple things prevent it from reaching that upper echelon. Running around the school is a bit tedious, being able to recruit nearly every character to your class removes some of the drama of the 2nd half, and the visuals leave a bit to be desired. Everything else though is spot on, I think the main gimmick being the choice of 1 of 3 classes is really cool. I've still only played Edelgard and Claude's routes, since I think Dimitri's ideas about society are cringe.

If this was like an M rated game that wasn't afraid to be a little more brutal and looked better it could be like Top 5 for me.


Sid Meier's Civilization V
Sid Meier's Civilization V


Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
It has some of the best acting I've ever seen in a game. The story, although it may drag at points, is overall amazing. The gun play is satisfying. The world is beautiful and highly detailed.

All the meat of the game is incredible, but the connecting tissue is a bit baffling. You spend so much time riding your horse. I understand that's unavoidable to a degree when your world is this expansive, but it's just excessive. There's a litany of cool activities to take part in, but there is basically no reason to do any of them since they don't give you anything you need to continue the story. There are so many systems but the story missions essentially take place outside all of them.

Also the part where you get stranded on that island is kinda assy


Super Mario World
Super Mario World


Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


Batman: Arkham City
Batman: Arkham City
The combat might be a bit simplistic but it's just too much fun man. The general premise of this game and how it's executed is a lot of fun even if it doesn't always make sense, Batman stuck in an entire city filled with all the most dangerous criminals.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2






13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim


LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga


Night in the Woods
Night in the Woods


TowerFall Ascension
TowerFall Ascension


Castle Crashers
Castle Crashers
Certified Xbox 360 arcade banger. Surprising amount of depth present but also enjoyable in its simplicity. If you have 3 friends and a couple hours it's still a great time.

I never really had this game's sense of humor but it has still aged poorly to the point where it may be ironically funny.


Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy
A little bit slippery but overall a fun platformer. One of the first "hard" games I think I was really good at.


Pizza Tower
Pizza Tower






Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2


NieR: Automata
NieR: Automata


Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2




Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward


Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Awakening


Doom Eternal
Doom Eternal


Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony


Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors


Bully: Scholarship Edition
Bully: Scholarship Edition


Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
This was my first Final Fantasy game, which is probably insane to some people but I really like this! First thing you notice is how beautiful the game is, especially on a system that can get 60FPS. The story explores very interesting themes and Barrett is very based. The combat is also really fun, with the different characters playing very differently from each other.

For negatives: there are some difficulty spikes in random fights and in the last couple hours I didn't really understand what was happening in the story.


Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2



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