1 Game, 1 Song

I pick 1 song per game to showcase. Sometimes it might be what I think is the best song in the game, other times it's just my favorite song. Includes DLCs if they're separate campaigns. I might also cheat a little bit with remakes/ remasters.

Li'l Slugger. Danny B's original tracks are so good.
Tower of Babel. Another game with lots of good choices.
Nyakuza Metro - Rush Hour. Perfectly captures the vibe of the chase sequence at the end of the chapter.
Very difficult choice, but I'm going with the basic answer of Dracula's Castle. This one just hypes me up.
Ending. An absolute classic.
Forgotten Land has a lot of great options. Like many Kirby games, going with the final boss theme, Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit.
A very safe answer I know, but Pizza Time.
Lifelight. Same with Smash 4. Brawl and onward have such massive OSTs that I might have to do more digging.
Many good songs in this one, but Jump Up, Superstar still makes me hype.
This is by far the hardest game for me on this whole list. Nearly every single song in this game is amazing in its own right. In the end, I pick Sealed Vessel because of how bombastic and emotional it is.


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