Games with some stealth in them

Ranking of games that are not focused on stealth but occasionally do stealth anyway.

Most of the game benefits from using stealth, but the level design is deliberately designed so that eventually you will have to fight
It's possible but difficult to make a real stealth build but the entire game can be completed non-lethally.
Stealth skills are ridiculously overpowered
Occasionally has gameplay. Some of it has stealth.
There are some enemy types that have awareness mechanics and the player is encouraged to avoid them
Gameplay disincentivizes engaging the enemies. The player can try to hide but it's usually not very effective
Multiple stealth missions with special stealth mechanics in them
Dedicated stealth segments, plus the player can rewind time to delete evidence and detections
There are some sections where the player can use stealth, between all the mass murder
The game is mostly designed with support for stealth but is also often scripted for combat
There are some dedicated stealth missions that eventually devolve to a chase or a fight
The player can turn into furniture. It's PvE Prop Hunt.
There are some parts where the player can use stealth to a limited degree
Several dedicated stealth missions that are very good
Several dedicated stealth missions that are very good
Several dedicated stealth missions
Many levels are designed to be playable using stealth
It has a stealth section
Two stealth sections
Several dedicated stealth missions that are very good
Some stealth segments
The game is mostly designed with support for stealth but is also often scripted for combat
The game lets you approach most situations using stealth even though it inevitably leads to a fight anyway, and there's no reason to use stealth because you can effortlessly slaughter legions in combat
Stealth skills are overpowered
The game is mostly designed with support for stealth but is also often scripted for combat, and sometimes the enemy literally cheats to get to the player no matter where they are
It has two stealth sections
Several dedicated stealth missions
A third of the missions in the campaign have full support for stealth.
It has a stealth section
Allows the creation of a stealth RPG character build and half the game supports it. The game was rushed and the other half therefore only supports combat.
Various magical powers allow the player to move around unseen and most of the game can be done non-lethally.
Very occasionally has gameplay. Some of it has stealth.
Gameplay incentivizes stealthy tactics. Several stealth missions.
All enemies have awareness mechanics and the player can use that and psi-powers to avoid them
Several segments where stealth is viable and several dedicated stealth levels
Nicely complex stealth mechanics that feel authentic and immersive at low to medium character skill level. High level of stealth skill becomes a bit overpowered.
Most of the gameplay is made to support stealthy approaches
Many levels are designed to be playable using stealth
The player has powers that allow them to move unseen
No scripted detections. If the player is careful they can pick off a large number of the human enemies using stealth
Gameplay incentivizes stealthy tactics. Some heavily scripted stealth segments.
The player has powers that allow them to move and stealth attack unseen
Partially stealth-friendly level design. The player can use stealth to dispatch a significant portion of enemies. Stealth mechanics are decent but a bit overpowered.
Gameplay incentivizes stealthy tactics
More depth in its stealth mechanics than Metal Gear Solid despite being a first person shooter
Almost no combat. Most threats require the use of stealth
It has a stealth section
Several dedicated stealth segments and the stealth mechanics have some depth to them
It has a stealth section
Several dedicated stealth missions
Gameplay incentivizes stealth tactics
Two of the three game modes heavily encourage the use of lethal stealth.
Gameplay incentivizes stealth tactics
Two of the three game modes heavily encourage the use of lethal stealth.
Multiple stealth missions
Several stealth missions
Stealth is very important in hunting
Invisibility is cheap and powerful
Stealth is fully supported for the most part
Stealth is very important in hunting
Gameplay incentivizes stealthy tactics. Some heavily scripted stealth segments.


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