Games I Would Like To Go On A Date With

These games look neat and I would like to play them, but simply haven't for one reason or the next. Even if it's because it doesn't exist. Feel free to make recommendations below. (ongoing)

I just need to be in the right headspace first
Admittedly had a hard time getting into the first two games, but I do like Larian, so...
I actually own this game. But I loaned it to my brother on launch and haven't seen it since
I need to try this so I can see if I'll like the sequel
It looks cute. Nintendo should give me a veteran's discount, though
I really don't care for JRPGs anymore and knowing Yakuza was switching gears to the genre worried me a bit. But I owe it to Ichiban to at least try, right?
Everything I've seen of this game tells me I will either love it to death or it will be the death of me
I would like to play a memorable Soulslike that didn't come via From
Yeah, I'm that guy. I recently modded my Wii so this may very well be off the list soon
This game looks manic in a fun way and I'm sad I missed out on it during my DS days. At the same time, I feel like if I enjoy this game, Tetsuya Nomura wins
Spooky AND gay? Tell me more
I feel it's more out of a sense of duty than anything
I would like to know if it's as nutty as it looks
People wanted it for a reason, right?
I was only able to sample it before it was tragically ripped away from me. Please, I need MORE
This and the sequel, especially since I feel like I don't have an excuse at this point
I must learn its ways
The OST is nice and it seems like a fun time
Looks disgusting. Let me take a sip
Gonna be real with you, chief: I think Jet Set Radio is awesome to look at and to listen to but I hate actually playing it. This, however, looks like a lot of fun
I really miss the Nintendo DS
Maybe this one's better
Hay algo que necesito hacer
I have waited for you for so long. Please don't let me down
Mostly I would like to see if the timing isn't busted as hell in this one
One of those weird games where I'm kind of mesmerized by it when I see people play it but I'm not really sure I'd like it
More "give it another try" in this case
Man I love cheesy talking cartoon animals
One day. One day soon
Could it be? Has my beloved returned to me?
This looks like the perfect game for me to play, love, and never touch again for the rest of my life
Looks like my kind of silly
I already know there is a substantial chance I will hate playing this game - unfortunately, this website has convinced me that it sounds pretty cool
It looks cute
Played this game on a Sega Genesis back in the day and remember making no progress at all. But I DO remember it. So maybe I should try again
I like to think that if I could have experienced 1.0 myself it would have changed the course of my life
This game is half the reason I bought a Dreamcast and I haven't been able to get ahold of it or that damn microphone
From the director of Panzer Dragoon? Action-strategy with trading card game elements? Funky character designs? I haven't played this???
It looks neat. What more can I say
I don't want to look at pictures of Chernobyl, I want to see it in person
I'm actually one of the few who has played this before - I just want to relocate it because I didn't realize I'd never see it again
Knowing the original had a proper sequel and we never got it makes me want to cry
The first game was a novel but deeply flawed experiment from From. I know nothing about the sequel and would like to see if any meaningful improvements were made
Tell me you don't think it looks cool
Self-parody? From Nintendo? And they didn't localize it?
It looks positively deranged and I love it
I guess I can play it, but I wish I could read it
Have you SEEN this game? Sign me up, mate
A wizard can dream
I saw a single screencap and now I'm interested
I'm getting DRUNK off the vapors
I have no idea what this is supposed to be but it looks cool


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