Horror Games in Backlog

"Horror" at times feels a bit subjective, in the same way as comedy can be, so some games might be debatable on this list. Especially since for SOME reason Backloggd does not have a genre tag! Made putting this together annoying. Also note that this doesn't just mean Survival Horror and that it can include some pretty notable horror mixes, such as Castlevania.

I'll also freely admit it is a genre I don't have a lot of experience or knowledge in, which makes me interested in tackling it. I'm open to thoughts on what I put on, or some major games that aren't on here! (RE2/3 are two I know I gotta get to at some point)

The art feels so evocative it probably counts?
I've heard this and DOOM 3 lean more into horror compared to other DOOM games.
Luigi's Mansion games are more light horror games, but definitely feel like a take on the genre IMO
I don't know how many people would count it for this but it's my list so


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