Most Important RPGs

A list of the most important RPGs to ever exist. These games made it on this list because of Cultural Impact that can be felt through time, or because the RPG landscape wouldn't be the same without it.

Brought a lot of attention to the Persona series, so much so that the Persona Series outshines its Big Brother series.
This game made Fire Emblem an international success.
Served as inspiration for Pokemon and its core mechanics
The Grandpappy of all JRPGs
Established the writing style and direction for Square Enix
It's the other have of the reason why "Metroidvaina" is a known and loved Genre.
I mean come on, it's Final Fantasy VII
Same as Pokémon Red, but Blue.
An innovative new RPG that allows the player to create any party they want and it encourages community and working together with friends.
The first RPG to have New Game Plus
Inspired many indie RPGs and created a sub genre.
This game shaped presentation and story direction for the Final Fantasy series during the 16 bit era and then some.
Established one of the most well known and best selling franchises in the genre
The inspiration for Dragon Quest
The Grandpappy of all RPGs


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