What My Favorite Games Would Taste Like (Probably)

Please do not ask me to elaborate I genuinely have no idea

Soggy bread that probably has a few mold spots on it
Salmon Caesar salad with brief tinges of sea salt
Burgers 'n fries!

I know Ness's favorite food is canonically steak, but the good old combo just feels more in line with how I feel about EarthBound I guess..? (I probably sound insane for this I'm sorry)
Black coffee and cigarettes
Blue Gatorade and dry roasted peanuts
Omelets! and like the most nasty fast food meal you can probably imagine...
I don't really want to leave it implied that you're going to be eating anything here, because you aren't.
Chicken, rice and an unhealthy amount of creatine. Gotta get those gains for Colossi climbing, right?
Last night's leftovers and a bag of potato chips
I know it would be really boring of me to say pot roast, but like, you don't blame me right?
Curry and a latte, but only as long as it's from your trendy local place
Garlic and wet grass, that sounds a lot less appetizing...
Canned chicken noodle soup warmed up over a campfire
Prescription pills swallowed dry (it's exactly what you think it is)
Pizza (obviously), New York style
Bar food. It might be little cheap and standard, but there's a certain indescribable comfort to it
Kebabs, specifically made by the protagonist showing off his Dad Skills on the grill
Every party member came together to make a stew, and it's probably totally inedible despite their best efforts
An Italian charcuterie board, assorted with a plethora of rich meats and cheeses
Piña coladas, provided the bartender actually knows how to make them
Pockies and Fruit Gushers
War rations and MREs that somehow manage to be edible despite the passage of time
Dew and Doritos

(I know this wasn't like, an actual thing in 2004 but it's so irrevocably tied to my perception of the series that it totally counts in retrospect)
A Snickers bar with razor blades hidden inside


Honeydew melon and fresh baked bread, ideally shared with friends
A giant wedding cake with fruit punch on the side
It's an all you can eat buffet with food from every time period, eating stuff from prehistoric times probably isn't advised though...
A vinaigrette salad with a lot of weird stuff mixed in that probably shouldn't work, but it surprisingly ends up tasting really good
That sort of super generic takeout steak that you get in a paper box lathered with a bit of A1 sauce
Top Ramen and Hot Pockets
Really painfully mediocre granola bars and room temperature water
Lo mein and pretzel bites from the mall food court (totally projecting)
Do I even need to say it
A cone of ice cream adorned with so much toppings it borders on being overkill
Really gross undercooked seafood
Gummy wormf
Mont Blanc, eaten as Mont Blanc
Chicken and dumplings complimented by a pitcher of ice cold lemonade
The messiest, most glorious Philly Cheesesteak you can imagine
Trail mix and a warm glass of milk
Waffle House, but specifically when you're drunk and it's past midnight


Home-baked cookies :)


9 days ago

finally. a good list
holy fuck i love this list, you really hit the nail on the head with all of these. im jealous i havent thought of this

8 days ago

very evocative and intelligent picks.... especially resonating with Majora's and Yume Nikki <3

2 days ago

Can you say Sonic Adventure 2's flavor lol I've never played it

2 days ago

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2 days ago


Chili dog and monster energy

2 days ago

You cooked extremely hard with this one
I fucking love this list
I kinda want to make my own now, but I doubt I do it justice

2 days ago

I would eat the Snickers bar with all the pleasure in the world, even though it would tear my entire digestive system apart.

2 days ago

good soup

2 days ago

Laughed my ass off hard

2 days ago

Dragon Quest VII being the best then.

2 days ago

gummy wormf

2 days ago

Disco Elysium as bar food is insanely accurate
No More Heroes description is on point

2 days ago

banger list

2 days ago

Best list in the game, of the games

2 days ago

For me, Dark Souls one tasted like either a marshmellow that's been perfectly roasted over a fire, or a dry, but super delicious burger from your local gas station.

The latter might be because i ate a lot of those burgers while watching Dark Souls on youtube...

2 days ago

Super creative stuff. Bang-on choice for Disco Elysium

1 day ago

You say you sound insane but putting earthbound as burger and fries shows that you're actually cooking (heh)

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