2022 ranked/blog

for fucks sake how is this year halfway done
ok um thoughts below!!! I do like doing these I just forgot .///.

The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
yeah people were right to gas this one up. related, i hate politics
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Requires including. Patch content still counts, plus a lot of re-evaluating the work, finishing Endwalker a second time, yknow?
Still amazing for pathos reasons, as well as deeply deeply personal, significantly more flawed. Love it Despite itself vibe. You can't fix them tho
Library of Ruina
Library of Ruina
Saving all my thoughts over the last week since I finished it for a pending review.

But like, it's really special. Idk, 'peak fiction', it's a little ridiculous how much it cuts to me, how fiction like this and everything below it here cuts to me. Above all else though, my biggest sell is simply that you will never find a game that has this much ludonarrative mastery and doesn't drop a single moment of its pacing and storytelling.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
in technical terms i didn't replay this this year i WATCHED my SO play it right next to me. Doesn't matter tho, seeing the complete other side spectrum of play and discovery this game has was genuinely eye-opening. important game canon
Hello Charlotte Ep.3: Childhood's End
Hello Charlotte Ep.3: Childhood's End
good :)

can no longer talk about this game personally here unfortunately. I feel tempted to lock the review I made for this away because it's demons i want to move on from permanently. I don't because I am an egotistical mound of attention/show off naval gazing wee.
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
a few friends of mine have been trying to get me into this game for years. Rex won. To put how much I'm infected in perspective, some days when I'm bored and listless and don't want to put time into games i'm trying to finish, I'll just load up fightcade, test game, beat the campaign again as denjin ryu or Q. To this day
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3
almost too painful for me to think about because i project completely different struggles on it to justify dysphoric mind static I feel playing. Heather my role model.
Yo-kai Watch 3
Yo-kai Watch 3
fun for 6 year olds (complimentary) but i hate this version of japanamerica so much lol no thanks
Freedom Planet 2
Freedom Planet 2
Edited: Bares a second look to be honest. I wasn't feeling what i was playing for the first three hours, but I think I need to go about it way differently. This is still at least worth recommending though!
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
This is my sin & punishment!!! XBLA vibes are like, a thing, i'll keep wishing there's more games that look at it as something to recapture. Nostalgia bait me y'all, i'm easy. This was so so so so so much fun >~< Best rail shooter!!!
It Takes Two
It Takes Two
Fun while it lasted!!! Or uh, lasted in the sense before we got too intolerant of the parents' intolerance for one another. They should grow up!!!
The Caligula Effect 2
The Caligula Effect 2
tempted to backlog it again or watch the whole thing on youtube and just cheat my way to the story But unironically this game is a foregone consequence of people losing their shit at how "too simple jrpg combat is" . fuck off now i have to do stupid easy theatrics for over half your runtime because your attention span sucks.

Story probably gets sweet and good tho ;-; god i hate my tolerance
Anodyne 2: Return to Dust
Anodyne 2: Return to Dust
in these stories, find how one looks into yourself
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
the bosses here make me so giddy. Like Yes, everything else is cool, i've rewatched the intro 20+ times, but omg, the wolf boss? death?? Holy shit??
Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki
what if we made out in the d̷̗͠y̸̺̽ŝ̶̠̲p̶̧̘͐̌h̷̹͖͂͝ő̴̳r̸̬̗̍̕i̴̩͗̚c̶͂͐ͅ ̴̛͓͖̐d̶̞̋r̵̖̺̿̊ę̸̳̈́a̸̟̅͛m̶͔̆͘ ̵̰̙̀t̸̢̨̏̀ì̵̝m̷̨̖͋̾e̶͇̜̍͘ ̸̠͑͗c̸̬̳̈́h̷͖̤̄a̶̐ͅm̴̧̽b̶̮͠e̷̜͓͒̿r̸̻̓̅
A Short Hike
A Short Hike
tender vibes that are earned (i think (fuck youuu this brought me out of a rut i'm very thankful))
Sin and Punishment
Sin and Punishment
Copy Kitty
Copy Kitty
at some point I'm going to stop fucking asking people to play this game. I'm this close to drive-bying with restraints. This stuff RULES i've already replayed it twice.

Hello Charlotte Ep.2: Requiem Aeternam Deo
Hello Charlotte Ep.2: Requiem Aeternam Deo
both great and awful for my mental health. Death by a thousand cuts, the good kind of suffer fiction.
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
said tender later down this list, saying it again. It's tender and good. There's a weird feeling i think people have with being "tender" like I get it there's a bit of ignorant allyship with portraying without real visceral harm but there are significant amounts of people, me included, who can pick up on genuine reaches to the mind and telling you, yes you, you'll be ok and creating is good and yes I will help you find that path with gentleness.

stuff like florence still sucks tho you're not wrong
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Chop Suey
Chop Suey
i wish i grew up on more kids games like this without a shard of pessimism
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
not knocking the incredible sensuality of it all but i'm more sexually attracted to el shaddai sorry
Knytt Stories
Knytt Stories
little petals floating around you, dreamily taking you off your feet, falling to rest in the bed of flowers all planted by several different hands. they're asking you if you wanted to make a game one day
Opus Magnum
Opus Magnum
omg look what i made i'm sooo smart simulator
Lobotomy Corporation
Lobotomy Corporation
drakengard players don't know (literally youtubed this (and a lparchive LOL))
Gadget: Past as Future
Gadget: Past as Future
holy fuck what a vibe
3d platformers to end all 3d platformers????????
Ok well no gameplay wise it's just fine but I love how sincerely sound Sephonie is. So sincere that these 3's feelings and thoughts are consistently with me often, hearts and minds deeply longing for connection, Lucky Lucky!~
L.O.L.: Lack of Love
L.O.L.: Lack of Love
this experience is so incredibly well crafted and i had a good time thinking about all the little hands and thoughts the devs had when making every creature. Like it's just so adorable.
But i'm sorry, how funny would the creationist's version of this game be?
Shadow Tower: Abyss
Shadow Tower: Abyss
someone unlock my heart kingdom hearts style to vibes like this so i can not drop them like a hat because they bore me
Mr. Rainer's Solve-It Service
Mr. Rainer's Solve-It Service
my mind is a visceral neverending haze, crafted to make it so my attempts at being introspective are gently found through media rather than meditative. Because when I'm left to my own thoughts for too long, when the attention of my mind is not juggling, the ghosts and devils find me. I love to help others, have them confide in me, have me help them, because another day of my attention raptured that potentially makes others happy is another day pushing back the tide to feel good about myself.

If I look for longer than a minute at myself at the mirror the glass around me breaks. Now here's a game that sees exactly where that's all constrained and threaded to the surrounding macro level of social media, including the faces of the people who love it that i've fractured myself into this and call for the system to continue

i'll keep trying to get out of it
Hyper Demon
Hyper Demon
FPS for Game Design DMC nerds (Complimentary, with a hint of worried tension)
played it before jacob geller said it was cool Throws sunglasses on
INSANE how incredible it is, if nothing else, this game is the best one with this level of production and quality with the least amount of cruft I've seen in a very very very long time.
Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise
Collectively including sunbreak with this, even though I'm unsure if I'll finish it. Like, it's the game responsible for getting me into Monster Hunter, and once you know, you REALLY know!!! It's awesome!!! Its only issue is simply being too fucking ridiculous action-action wise for otherwise deliberate motions, but what's here is just, some of the best fights evar!!!111
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
it's so empowering when you break into a genre you couldn't realllly get into for the longest time. I can totally get RTS now!!! It's great!

Now if someone could show me a 4X or Grand Strategy worth shit that doesn't wall you off to a dog degree i'll play those too
Quantum Bummer Blues
Quantum Bummer Blues
idk if i could ever make something this viscerally powerful. I'm glad for mutuals and friends who can make something great and earnest and capturing that sense of their life in crystal no holds barred reflections, and that's all i'll need i think
Rivals of Aether
Rivals of Aether
wish i could stomach smash genre anymore. It's like a college dream now for me, i played melee and PM so much now but I haven't touched it in months. This was a fun emulatable game to poke around even though I knew and know that it's not my type of vertical slice.
Ring Fit Adventure
Ring Fit Adventure
this is INCREDIBLE and INCREDIBLE for me!!
-t. proceeds to shelve again because lazy
you cannot run from life forever
Nights Into Dreams...
Nights Into Dreams...
shit like this is why i can kind of understand why people wanted to immortalize yuji naka. They'd still be wrong, the baby this is is very much largely not his, but like, it's Sonic Team. and that's CRAZY. And I know i'm an adventure lover, but it's incredible that they just dropped the most "my vibe" game of all time. This is poetry.
I re-bought (granted, cheap) a wii u just to play this and potentially star fox zero. I dropped the idea of star fox zero l o l and I should've emulated this. This was fun i'm sorry but i can't stop thinking about how i wasted money when i found out two months later that cemu had switch-pro gyroscope support i'm a dunce
Sluggish Morss: A Delicate Time in History
Sluggish Morss: A Delicate Time in History
time ends yeah. soo
whatcha thinkin doin about it
Wild Arms 3
Wild Arms 3
too much combat!!! needed this one to be an anime
Post Void
Post Void
i like the embrace commentary of violence without feeling pointlessly tacky on it.
i remember when moby games was such a Thing. had so many of them on my phone and crap computer. this one's great entirely because the central schtick and aesthetic is its own crystalized vibe
once again i am asking for people who aren't me and don't want to put in the time to make something just as visceral, same theme, more to hurt you.
Devil Daggers
Devil Daggers
Arcade-core for FPS nerds (Complimentary)
R-Type Final
R-Type Final
gosh this was fun <3
Nex Machina
Nex Machina
need there to be more stuff trying to imitate this. like yeah emulating titles can be kind of viscerally off for the trends/niche industry but if you even Tried to emulate this it would mean more of this genre, because twin sticks are really just something special :(
Portal for FREAKS (derogatory and complimentary)
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Probably one of the most annoying game experiences. I think games with extremely cool ideas are like, awesome, and we definitely need to always have them around, but this is kind of like the anti-cool of its cool. It's so uncaring about its passion, which is the most frustrating thing to swallow. Constantly flips the needle between lovingly calculated shots and deeply up its own ass apathy. Somehow good overall, still.
Pretty cute!!!!
Too mobile-gameish for me. I get that that's not necessarily a bad thing but it clips the wings of what's otherwise a closely alice-ish vibe. Although also not a fan mechanically either, it's just ok.
i'm sorry but i really fucking wish this wasn't an rpg
Pokémon Clover
Pokémon Clover
less memorable over time and not something i can see myself returning to, not that that GENERALLY matters but this is uberniche. Dizzyingly sick, cool, and sleak all over. Everyone is required to play ONE 6dof fps just to see how it can be and this one's (i believe) the best one
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Edit: Thank you for looking away, now you're actually pretty fun and tolerable!
housemarque ROCKS,, kinda. I suck at these,,, but it was neato nice and I would probably never play it again unfortuantely
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition
ok you're allowed to go capcom is king again now that this is good too especially when sf6 looks genuinely so much better. one time i'll be insufferable
Find a
Find a sun
I'm fonder to
Waiting for
A final
come home
as someone new
Fortune Street
Fortune Street
can we please just play mario party.... ok i'll think about dokapon kingdom but please...
The Looker
The Looker
The House of the Dead
The House of the Dead
lightgun purchase... goodddd. revisiting the greats of my childhood arcade
Sea of Thieves
Sea of Thieves
i wish this game was finished so i could yarr-harr with genuine excitement instead of what's kind of just a Voice Chat game, and not even that good of one
Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey
Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey
why did the one they translate first be this carbon copy of what should be getting, like wtf. Fuck shin-chan ig?
Tomorrow Won't Come For Those Without
Tomorrow Won't Come For Those Without
fine if you don't get it, but if you're aggrandizing enough to not meet this halfway please don't talk to me
An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs
An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs
flam whenever you get around to reading this (if you do) that i think the dog stuff is really cute and it brings a light to my day just like this game does. this might sound like a weird callout but really i thought of you while playing this at all times
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
oooo childdd things are going to get easier ooo childd things are going to get harderrr
The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo
The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo
what a dunce, look it's the 7 year old playing pokemon hahahaha sob
Angels with Scaly Wings
Angels with Scaly Wings
irony sucks and wincing at genuine heart bad yes but please do not fucking stuff your murder investigation with ace attorney jokes I will show up at your house
And the Band Begins to Play
And the Band Begins to Play
energy to get through the year, in general. was strong enough to push back the nausea of loneliness to where I'm only having to deal with it from june-onward while the after effects of quarantine still set in.

I've yet to see any of my college friends physically in over a year. yeah.
Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite
cannot believe i'm saying fuck you 343 like the rest of them
Risk System
Risk System
Forever Kingdom
Forever Kingdom
jarvis play ost
Sluggish Morss
Sluggish Morss
perhaps, consider, i slept with your mom AND dad. can you get out of the dystopia honey
Lost Ark
Lost Ark
good way to learn that FOMO is still not for me
Flores con Historias
Flores con Historias
this topic is generally That important to me, the option so ingrained that with my country now ripping it to shreds most of my 5-10 year thoughts involve saying fuck you to my country i'm never coming back


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