
Fishing is an activity in which you sit motionless, quietly, and wait for something to happen. These video games attempt to emulate that experience.

If fishing is a mainstay of the series, only the first entry in the series that allowed fishing is listed.

Suggestions welcome!


1 year ago

@MPK92 Thanks! I've added those. I know there's so, so, so many I'm missing haha. It feels like I spent the last 20 years of gaming being like "Wait they put fishing in THIS too?" I actually kept this list private for a while trying to remember more but today I was just like eff it let the suggestions come.

1 year ago

Is this just for games with a fishing activity or are fishing simulators allowed too?

Also Sonic Adventure

1 year ago

@RaftAnts added; thanks! I think I have to leave out fishing sims or it's just going to be a huge list of fishing games.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land! It's not really a deep phishing mechanic, but hey, you can do it so it counts

1 year ago

Ys VIII - Lacrimosa of Dana! I think it's the first Ys game with fishing, though I haven't played them all.

1 year ago

Monster Hunter (mainstay since the beginning), Terraria, Hades, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Cruelty Squad, & UltraKill (yes seriously)

1 year ago

Cruelty Squad

1 year ago

10 months ago

Just filled this in with a bunch of titles cribbed from this fantastic list. Thanks @mits !

Last updated: