2023 Ranked

All the games I played in 2023 ranked.

Though my user scores might not reflect the same as the ranking, this ranking is purely from a "how much fun did I have" perspective and not a "This was the best game comparatively"

I love this goofy little game. It's so charming and the rehearse and perform style of rhythm gaming is cool as hell.
The last play of the year that I won't really elaborate on, because most would see this game and immediately know it deserves to be here. That sucks, but I mean it was fun before it got annoying...
Listen THIS ISN'T A BAD GAME. It's a drastic change in the formula that made me love the first two games. It's confusing as hell as a veteran of the series to learn. Its one of those games I'd rather not play again and just play the first two again.
With the english translation this game has a funny story and even better gameplay.
I wish I never played this game. It's so bad. It's sad cause as a kid I wanted this game so badly.
Just like Without Warning, it has a lot of potential but a avalanche of weird design choices ruin the experience overall.
There is not one but two kino as fuck final bosses and its deadass the best final boss I've ever faced in a game.
More Bust A Groove? That's all i need for real.
I love the style of this game man. I think my musou rotted brain just freaks out not being able to press XXXY to do a combo. I gotta play more of this later to get the full experience.
A fun ass rhythm game that I still play almost weekly since I replayed it.
One of the few games that lived up to its reputation
A childhood first play. I used to watch my dad playthrough this game and now I understand why he kept replaying this.
the peak of the mass effect trilogy and the game I had the most fun playing as. I loved doing the side content and preparing for the suicide mission.
Another good looker, but it's really meh to me from a story standpoint. I liked the gameplay and exploring the world and talking with the different characters littered about, but it was derivative to me.
It was fun. I digged it. I'm not a platformer dude, but I enjoyed my time. The make your own checkpoint system I wasn't used to so I messed up a lot.
one of the best JRPGs I've ever played. I fell in love with this MMO so much I want it to be real somehow.
I come back to Destiny anytime they announce a new subclass. The subclass wasn't all that. And a lot of the systems that Destiny revamped and added just make Destiny a weird ass game to try to hop into whether you're new or returning.
This was the best JRPG that I played all year. While I didn't really enjoy the retelling of the anime in JRPG form. I did enjoy the battle system and grinding out the side quest.
Granted this was a fun game to master once I got the hang of it. The jump was just realllyyy stiff for what It was trying to do with aerial combat being the focus.
I loved looking at this game, its really beautiful. The actual gameplay was pretty standard turn-based JRPG. I liked the historical moments detailing Chopin's life.
I put these next to one another because its just more of the same. Slyvia doesn't add much to make this a huge leap in gameplay.
This was one of the most fun I had gaming at the beginning of the year. Exploring the world and combing magic was cool as hell.
this game made me obsessed with Mechas for like 4 months. I built a gunpla cause of this.
Boring. But I just wished it looked better or presented better. The art design is phenomenal but combat is too floaty. Exploring this colorful but bland world gets just as boring as the gameplay afterwards. This is the most middle-of-the-road game in terms of what I played this year.
I don't like medievil. its not for me and that's okay
I had a lot of fun playing this with the Mrs. Even though I rated it low, it was still a fun mystery that had me on the edge of my seat at some points.
This was a Co-op Playthrough with a friend, we kind of both gave up around the halfway point realizing It was just going to be more of the same when we were already 100%ing the map before we left. By the time we got to the second town, we were fatigued and got the gist already.
A pleasant surprise when I played this, but after playing the second game (immediately after beating this game), you can skip this honestly.
one of the best games I've ever played. Easily blitzing into my Top 10 of all time.
I cried playing this game bro.. It's that good.
seriously kicking is so therapeutic.
I think this game was as fun as it was because I was playing this slowly with a friend just immersing ourselves in the city.
I think I was a little too harsh on this game. Playing them back to back made me realize the degradation of the series from what could've easily been one of my top 5 of the year to one of my bottom 5.
man... I love Katamari.
This game was also just boring to play. Its not that the game was bad. Just literally put me to sleep core.
Cool nomura man shoots cool shit. That's all I need. A lot of people think this game is weird or sucks, but I can see the attempt and appreciate it for what its done.
FEAR 1 was so good that the sequels to me just pail in comparison. At the same time, I do enjoy the gameplay and the overall art design of this and 3. When I look back at the series, most of my memories is from the first game and not these.
Before playing this, the only Final Fantasy games I have played were: 12, and 7R. It doesn't live up to those games. It's really weird and unfinished even with all the DLCs included. It just doesn't feel good to play from a story standpoint.
Just like Kirby:NID, I can replay Viewtiful Joe's First hour every day of the year and never get tired of it. But finally getting past that and beating the entire game....It was cool.
Big ass smile on my face like a little kid playing this chill ass game. I love it. Overtaking a swift spot into my Top 10 Games I've Ever Played.
a good ass game. Its art design, its soundtrack, the gameplay. Everything rocks.
I stood up and clapped after beating this game.
I don't really like 2D sonic. But i think that's because Sonic Adventure was my first Sonic game, so all I knew was 3D sonic. While it was fun I don't really...care for it I guess.
I put this back on the backlog. Mentally I couldn't really play it at that moment. At the time trying to break 100%ing Open Worlds, to get a really good open world.
one of the best musical experiences i've had gaming
A unique experience that kept getting better the more questions I asked. Really diving deep into this game is truly rewarding.
Sands of Time didn't wow me enough to warrant this game being hot dog water. It's a product of the time and that time is long gone.
Idk if its because i'm an MMO muse and have played ARPG MMOs like Devillian and Lost Ark, but this world was so boring to explore. Classes weren't fun to build. And why is this world so damn big without giving me a horse until late game. It was just boring to me sadly.
I beat this in like 40 minutes. A childhood fave but compared to everything else I played this year. It's honestly forgettable. But that's not to the quality of the game, I could play this game again any day of the week.
A little more bombastic that 2033. This was more of the same, which I would not complain about. Especially because I played this one on Survival Ranger mode.
One of the best shooters I've ever played. That's not an unpopular opinion for a reason.
Wake me up when Ed is here please..

This is the ideal fighting game package. I just wish there was more characters and not having to wait until Super Street Fighter 6 in 2 years.
This was a pretty fun yet difficult hulk game. I had fun with it while I played
I played these together so it kinda works as one singular game to me. I loved the story and the survival elements blended into the gameplay.
The only fantasy here is yours. And we shall be its final witness

Man this game was cool as hell. Not really deep in the RPG part, but lovely adventure game.
From a historical standpoint, this was cool as hell to go through. I liked the dynamic of the couple, but the time powers weren't utilized by me as I didn't find platforming that hard.
DMC2 gets the award of "Making me skip the rest of the series to get this challenge over with".

I'll probably replay 3,4,DMC later or next year randomly while I'm bored but this game was just unfun.
I love exploring metroidvanias until I gotta explore a Metroidvania. That finale was torture to get through and took me a lot longer to beat the game then it should have.
I didn't beat this, but I started playing this. I need to dedicate time for this and I knew it would take me a while to do when I still had a majority of my goals to complete.
oof. this feels bad to put here, but I didn't get to get invested in this game due to latency issues.
in an alternate universe i played silent hill first instead of resident evil and became a narc for it.
A guilty pleasure, I've replayed this game so many times since getting it at launch.
A fun ass character action game with some of the coolest shit I've ever seen in a game.
This was really fun to replay. This time I had more fun being a weird space mechanic dude more than being scared and the fact I can have a completely different experience now is cool as shit.
A fun ass character action game with some of the coolest shit I've ever seen in a game.
one of the best games I've ever played. Though Its not a top 10 ever kinda game for me. I think the genuine feeling of playing this and it being so close to tabletop was what got me.
this fucks.
While I loved the story of the game. the actual "game" didn't age well.
Gonna copy and paste the same thing for pretty much the whole series.

A fun ass character action game with some of the coolest shit I've ever seen in a game.
When I was playing as Dante I was high as a kite. Unfortunately when I played as V, I felt like I just went Cold Turkey.
Dark Soul was always the closest top-10 game for me, but after beating it it's kinda solidified.
Wasn't as hard as people made it out to be in my opinion. But it was cool.
These 5 are some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Bloodborne was an experience.
A fun ass character action game with some of the coolest shit I've ever seen in a game.


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