My Games Ranked

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Start of 5 Stars
I fucking love this game.


gay people <3
This is the game that got me into gaming properly and away from licensed kids games.
Klaus Saga finished and what an adventure it was.
End of 5 Stars
Originally I had it at 4.5 as Moebius was just kinda... there i guess? but the more I thought about Moebius, the more I was like woah, peak.
Star of 4.5 Stars
Ow, that hurt. I even brought it up in therapy.
Only thing holding it back was its gameplay.
Fixed pretty much every issue I had with BoTW.
No game has hooked me like this game with Fiora. IYKYK
Not as strong a narrative as the original but just a far better game in every aspect.
End of 4.5 Stars
The theming of this game was PEAK. You cannot beat this game on atmosphere.
Start of 4 Stars
See that mountain? Go there, but nothing is between here and that mountain except maybe some koroks.
I fucking love the characters in this game and the ending killed me but dear lord the gameplay.
Same issues as base game but third semester was amazing.
Fixed pretty much every issue Rise had with it's combat. That being said I wish it was more of Rise and not Elgado.
Malzeno can stay though <3
A game that didn't really age with me. I played it at 16/17 as my first Xenoblade game and thought it was peak at the time. As I grow older some of the troupes and writing just, don't old up as well.
Boss fights kinda sucked, but when translating it to 1 screen it makes sense ig. Controls were kinda bad cause of the switch touchscreen.
Otherwise I see why it's a cult classic.
I love Spider-Man. This game was the best Spider-Man we've had in quite a while. The way the game blended Peter Parker and Spider-Man was just, top notch.

The cop propaganda was weird though..
I'm not that big on Fire Emblem but wow this game blew me away. The voice acting and story was phenomenal.
Swamp maps can get fucked though!
Incredibly solid gameplay and the atmosphere in the E.M.M.I. sections was just great.
Look, Wind Waker is cute, and has good motifs of courage throughout all of it's characters. Sailing island to island just brought it down a peg or two.
This game is gorgeous. Fairly simple message of kindness. Biggest issue was probably the combat.
It's a fun collect-a-thon, but doesn't offer much else.
This was a meta-narrative horror game, not a shooter. If you disagree you're wrong, sorry.
I poured way too much time into this game. Hoenn is just peak.
End of 4 Star
The characters and writing was just fantastic.
Start of 3.5 Stars
Seeing my partner replay base game knocked it down a bit as I got older and noticed some flaws with it (Ann's treatment post Kamoshida, the PT beating up Ryuiji even though he's an abuse survivor etc).
Biggest flaw was being a visual novel.
My first monster hunter I completed and wow. I loved the theming but it's easy difficulty and lack of post-game at launch really hurt. Didn't stop me at the time from falling in love with the series though.
I know that a lot of the more horror elements were set pieces but when you don't know that holy shit it's scary.
I was playing this a lot when my appendix was coming out and I was on painkillers for some of it, asking for Pikmin 5.
Finally, something new in the Pokemon series. About time.

Had some interesting ideas it didn't quite expand upon however, which left me a bit dissatisfied in the end.
Looking back it was clear it was a set up for Xenoblade 3's setting, but at the time I was so confused.
but on the other hand, more Xenoblade 1 soooooo.
I poured 300 hours into this sucker somehow. Controversially I liked the story as a 16/17 year old but not sure how it'd hold up for me now.
It's good, but not as good as everyone says. Maybe it's just my age getting to me...
Not as strong as Fusion or Dread imo, but still holds up ok. Wasn't the biggest fan of the extra content that Zero Mission added. Felt like it would've been better as an extra mission unlocked after beating the game.
End of 3.5 Stars
I grew up on the original CTR and not Mario Kart so I played the ever loving shit out of this. Not rated any higher cause it's just a kart racer, it's not something that I value as much now as I did as a kid.
Start of 3 Star
Really cool setting, game play elements etc.
I got a little lost on the story and sometimes lagged a bit but overall was pretty solid.
Honestly, I didn't like the 3 captain system all that much. Solid game but I had little desire to do the extra missions.
The movement and guns led to some really fun moments, but didn't have much else going for it.


I played this with my partner so probably a little higher on my list due to that. Felt like the story could've been a bit better and I struggled with the controls a lot somehow.
Still, it was so super cute and I loved the dynamic between the two playable characters.
pew pew
It got me hooked quickly but not for long.
Odd design choices just left me wanting more out of it however.
Not sure why you needed every side quest but sure I guess.
Gen 4 is overrated I'm sorry.
Aside from a few story changes, this ultimately felt like a Pokemon Sun/Moon fan difficulty mod.


My biggest mistake was playing Portal 2 first. Portal 2 just blows it out of the water.


If Arms has a million fans, then I am one of them.
If Arms has ten fans, then I am one of them.
If Arms has only one fan then that is me.
If Arms has no fans, then that means I am no longer on Earth.
If the world is against Arms, then I am against the world.
A kart racer that is fun with others but fails to hold up on its own.
It's a fun experience with others that doesn't hold up on your own.
Look, this was peak when you were 13.
End of 3 Stars
Peak when you were 13.
Start of 2.5 Stars
Dragged on for far too long. Erina and Toshiro were great though.
Better then it should have been and was a pleasant surprise. Didn't do anything noteworthy though.
This game is so hard to rate. On one hand I got really into VGC. On the other, it is a game that does nothing special. DLC 1 kinda sucked and DLC 2 was pretty good.
Getting through this game was more of a slog than it should have been.


Short and Sweet. Game had an interesting narrative pull towards the end of the game.

Did a lot of things good but nothing great.
Monkey's Paw curls, Pokemon gets innovation.
On the other hand, it runs like a dog coded it.
The Legend of Zelda: Fan Service
Cute game of ultimately little substance.
Cute puzzle game and did what it set out to do without being great.
Playing this on a 3DS sucked.
Probably higher then it should be as I just love cricket. Can't get enough. It's just glitchy and pretty barebones.
I... don't know what to say for this game.
I was there for the beta in 2016 and lasted about 3 years. Any soul this game had died.
End of 2.5 Stars
Really, really cool premise but otherwise got boring fast.
Start of 2 Stars
When I think of doing nothing great but everything okish, I think of Pokemon X.
I don't like musous.
The level curve in this game was stupid and it made me put it down. Gorgeous though.
I just didn't vibe with it much I'm sorry Fire Emblem fans. Nothing was really wrong with it, just not for me.
Look, the first 2 weeks of this game was great. You got KK Slider and then... nothing.
Look, I did enjoy the start of the game. But the P2W level curve killed my enjoyment of this game entirely.
Look I love Star Wars but this was just more AAA mid. To think this was my first soulslike.....
End of 2 Stars
Honestly, this is the definition of mid.
Start of 1.5 Stars
Look I love AFL, and I played more of this then I should but geez it's really not that good. Barebones everything and the gameplay is so glitchy and unbalanced.
Hallway simulator. Story was neat but I just couldn't vibe with the gameplay.
I really, really wanted to like this. A LOT. It's monster hunter but more pokemon orientated! But it just doesn't run well on the switch and it's kinda boring.
I haven't played Freedom Unite yet but if I had I'd probably just say play Freedom Unite instead.
It's just mid. DLC 1 sucked but DLC 2 was alright. Kieran was cool but that was it.
End of 1.5 Stars
Had some cool ideas for a pokemon spin-off but was poorly executed. Got the point where I needed more gold-linked pokemon trainers and the grind for that was just plain boring.
Start of 1 Stars
Yes, I expect a grind in Monster Hunter. But not this much! P2W as well. Combat is fun but well, what's the point?
The definition of a boring remake. Other Pokemon remakes did such a good job of bringing old games up to newer standards, but this was literally just Pokemon Diamond again.
End of 1 Star
I don't even know where to start with... this.
Unnecessary sequel and that seemed to remove what charm OW1 had.
Start of 0.5 Stars
I deal with casual homophobia and transphobia in real life, why would I want to experience that in a game too?
On top of being just kinda bland, it was just always a buggy mess.
End of 0.5 Stars
The definition of false advertising.


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