Mega Man Series Tier List

I feel like I've done a list like this before but I couldn't find it sooooooo here's a re-do

Actual rankings in my older reviews of these games may not accurately reflect my thoughts here. Feelings change.

Mega Man X
Mega Man X
It's perfectly well-rounded and solid, but also something so over-analyzed by the internet that I just don't get much gratification from playing it.
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 2
The most iconic classic MM setpieces and moments - a strength that makes it timeless, yet not necessarily the most fun one to play. I can't think of any level from this game I really like on its own and I never liked the weapon balancing.
Mega Man
Mega Man
Generally better than people are willing to admit but it also has the most 'bad' parts of any Classic game, and everything 'good' it does with its level design was expanded upon later. Cut Man's still an excellent introductory stage though, very fun to play and kind of makes me wish Mega Man games had a more linear stage/difficulty progression.
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 3
Blatantly unfinished but still might be one of my favorite classic MM games. It has a really strong rawness to its main stages, I love the deserted and desolate feel of the Wily Castle, the bossfights are all fun, and the weapons are cool even if not all of them are 'practical'. Doc Robots are the make-or-break of the game - I really love the idea of revisiting stages in a more damaged state with a higher difficulty, but the challenge speaks for itself. Sometimes I breeze through them and it's a great time, other times I make a bad move and get completely demotivated.
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X2
Higher highs and lower lows than X1; something closer overall to my tastes and vibes.
Mega Man X4
Mega Man X4
Same ballpark as X1 - solid, but not something that really 'sticks' emotionally because of just how overdone it is. Jet Stingray's stage is a dreadful bore and there's something about the feeling of movement that got completely fucked over in this game.
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 4
The most 'safe' MM game.
Mega Man X3
Mega Man X3
Not good for a Mega Man game, but it's still somewhat fun to play, and there's enough 'easy' moments to ease the burden of the bad parts.
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero
Biggest mixed bag of the entire franchise. By far the biggest hangups of any game in the Mega Man universe, but it also has that first-entry sincerity and originality that makes its storytelling really powerful. Fuck this game and its dumbass rank system. Fuck the bomb deactivation mission. Fuck the SCREEN CRUNCH.
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 5
Franchise fatigue kinda mars the fact this isn't that bad.
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 6
Maybe too easy, but it's a good finale for the NES games and has some really good art and music. Jet adapter is a ton of fun to use.
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 7
Underrated. The beautiful sprite art and oodles of story bits and easter eggs really do give off the vibe of experiencing a playable anime. Gameplay is 'chunkier' than the NES games but still feels good for what it's trying to do.
Mega Man X5
Mega Man X5
Enough time has passed for me to probably call this my least favorite of the X games I played - ironic to me, cause it used to be my favorite.

I just can't think of a single part of it I enjoy playing, and it doesn't dip into 'masochistic hell' territory enough for it to be a memetic experience like X6
Mega Man 11
Mega Man 11
On a purely gameplay standpoint, it's the best classic Mega Man. But the music is mid and the Wily Castle isn't finished
Mega Man 8
Mega Man 8
A fan-favorite of mine that I feel like I'd hate a lot more if I replayed it
Mega Man Zero 2
Mega Man Zero 2
My favorite Zero game. It reaches that perfect apex between the desolation that defines 1 and the action that defines 3/4. You could argue it's a filler arc story-wise, but I think that's part of what makes it so striking relative to the rest of the series' plots. Bad guy is just one of your comrades going through an emotional power crisis, driven mad by circumstances. There's a really powerful juxtaposition of having to handle these internal affairs while still dealing with Neo Arcadia chasing after you. It hits hard.

Rank system is still a piece of SHIT tho.
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X6
The Funniest Man Alive
Mega Man Zero 3
Mega Man Zero 3
The peak of Zero as far as well-roundedness goes.
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 9
Could easily be the franchise's best if every level didn't have at least one 'I Wanna Be The Guy'-tier bullshit moment. And why the fuck did they kill off the slide and charge shot
Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10
The only mainline MM I never finished lmao. Not even as bullshit as 9, but it's just more tedious and unfun overall.
Mega Man Zero 4
Mega Man Zero 4
Over-hated. Lots of things with its new systems and tonal direction I don't like, but it's a really fun game regardless.
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends
Cute little comfort game with fun characterization. The game basically being one big dungeon is a really good idea that I'm surprised was ditched in favor of more 'video-gamey' theme dungeons in the sequel.
Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network
Good for a first attempt but its age damn sure shows compared to every other game that followed.
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX
I don't HATE ZX, but I don't like it either. Fucking shonen-ass desecration of Zero's best qualities. Fuck this metroidvania bullshit, and Serpent is a dripless antagonist.
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man & Bass
I didn't play enough of it to see if people's quipping about the difficulty was deserved, but the footage I've seen certainly confirms that guess.
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X
A precursor to the 2010's tradition of 'remake that adds more 'things' without improving the core fundamentals'.
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Has that BN1 simplicity with just enough really solid improvements to make it one of my lowkey favorites. Love how faux-serious it is with its terrorism plotline, and the challenges are really satisfying to overcome.
Mega Man Legends 2
Mega Man Legends 2
A couple really sucky missions and inconsistent dungeon quality make this a harder recommendation than Legends 1, even if it has more finesse and staying power.
Mega Man V
Mega Man V
The review I did of this a while back boldly claimed it to be the best 8-bit mega man and I DEFINITELY don't agree on that anymore. But, it's still really good!
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
eh?????????? it's as good as a NES to GB conversion from this time can be I guess.
Mega Man: The Power Battle
Mega Man: The Power Battle
The 'I'm stressed af and really need dopamine for 15 minutes' game
Mega Man IV
Mega Man IV
It's been too long since I last played it to say one way or another how good it is. I think some people prefer this over V? I'm just not too keen on GB MM in the first place.
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
Even if it's a 'better' game than the first one, there's a certain aptness to Power Battle that's missing here, and it's still too easy and barebones.
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
The sub-team of Capcom of X3 made this and you can really tell from the kinda 'stank' the art and gamefeel has - not to mention the COPIUS amounts of slowdown the game has. But this game also eliminates some of the 'slipperiness' that 1 and 2 have, just enough to make these the versions I prefer playing, even if there's a ton of bad stuff here..
Mega Man Soccer
Mega Man Soccer
It's not good, but I wish it would be re-released just because.
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun
Would be a whole lot easier to stomach if getting to its best moments didn't require THREE WHOLE PLAYTHROUGHS. Whole game is balanced like shit tbh and the plot's a pathetic tournament arc, but this isn't... horrible? It's still a Battle Network game at its core, and I absolutely wouldn't have played it as many times as I have if I didn't like a few of the things here.
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Protoman
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Protoman
A sleeper hit. A lot of 4's bad shit is still here but enough has been improved to feel like a fully-realized version of that game. And the SRPG missions fucking rock if you know how to build decks optimally around it.
Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace
Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace
Best of the trilogy and a motherfucking beast that hits that same TWEWY itch of making grinding BADASS. Damn you got 400% noise on this boss battle, here's a Giga Card that's not even included in the fucking card library. Visceral in that same way that makes BN3 so addicting.
Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker x Ninja
Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker x Ninja
Just mid all-around; a re-hash of the first game's plot with a B-tier rival and not enough genuinely good improvements to the gameplay to justify its increase in difficulty.
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar
Battle Network at its most polished, but kind of weak as a finale in some spots. A lot of what it tries to do with the plot feels weakly implemented, with the exception of the ending.
Mega Man Star Force: Dragon
Mega Man Star Force: Dragon
First video game story my homeschooled ass cared about and could relate to. Star Force fandom hates this game's gameplay for being an overly-basic first try, but I never had that gripe with it. Perfectly fine 'down-to-the-core' RPG, and probably the easiest BN/SF game to recommend to someone outside the fandom.
Mega Man Network Transmission
Mega Man Network Transmission
Putting a card game system in a platformer is, by nature, a terrible idea. It isn't done even somewhat well here. Difficulty is obscenely cheap at the start and then becomes oddly pathetic by the end. But damn, the music and Dreamcast-esque vibes make this a really fun play, and there's enough 'good' MM platforming and fights here to justify the agony.
Mega Man Battle & Chase
Mega Man Battle & Chase
The thing about kart racers is that unless you make them 'bad', it's hard to have a terrible time with them. I recall this one being 'fine', but it's been too long to remember if had something worse going on.
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS
Just enough cool QOL changes to make a great game better, and the map helps make 5's often frustrating backtracking a lot more manageable.
Mega Man
Mega Man
As a Mega Man game, it's a bare-bones imitation of better games. But it's not bad as its own thing - the level choices are solid and it's never hard enough to frustrate.
Mega Man Battle Network 4.5: Real Operation
Mega Man Battle Network 4.5: Real Operation
A marketing ploy for selling battle chip toys, and with no way to replicate that easily, your option is to play it the awful way w/o bonus chips, or to play it with a patch that turns it into a regular BN game. Either way, it has the same problem with 4 where it feels too grindy too often, and its best moments are locked behind tedium and exasperation.
Rockman Battle & Fighters
Rockman Battle & Fighters
Plays a little better than the CPS versions, looks just as fine in its own way, but definitely sounds and feels worse. The anime magic that carried the arcade versions isn't as well-replicated as I wish it could've been.
Rockman EXE WS
Rockman EXE WS
Network Transmission with an arguably 'better' implementation of the card mechanics and platforming, but it has ZERO sauce. A quick anime tie-in game with budget gamefeel and uninteresting vibes.


2 years ago

smh no command mission or zx advent

2 years ago

Never had a drive to play command mission bc I'm not too big into X as a series and I've heard it's kinda sucky as an rpg

Zx advent I haven't played bc my only way to play it rn is on a 2ds and my hands outgrew the 2ds and it feels like complete shit

2 years ago

play operate shooting star

2 years ago

based take on mega man 2

1 year ago

Thoughts on Megaman powered Up?

1 year ago

Really good, forgot to add it

1 year ago

Replay MM8.

1 year ago

I don't think I will!

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