Least favorite things about my SolMerse Hall of Fame games

Some exclusions

Not all the humor lands with me here, but most of it does
Could have better world-design
For some reason I just haven't felt the urge to go back to this one in the way that I tend to
Weak single-player content
Like nearly every Mario Kart game since 64, it is limited to the legacy of that game and doesn't have substantial campaign modes or anything like that. It feels behind.
Making Smash slow was a big mistake
The game already did so much in this department, but I think it would have been really nice to see more changes in the worlds between time, more reasons to go to certain places between time.
The story only really gets to someplace interesting at the beginning and at the third semester content. Could have been a better overall package
The way progression works in this game isn't really my jam
Part of the fun is how unbalanced this game is, but it does bring it down a little
The story is a bit over-the-top in a way that I'm not sure the developer's intended
the lame box art
weaker narrative than the first game
Feels too much like DLC
Adventure Mode is too samey on repeat playthroughs
Just infested with hackers
Song of Double Time should just be what the time is to begin with
Typical Kojima misogyny is in here
This game really does not need QTEs
It's hard to describe but there is something weirdly... aversive about this game. You see it with so many people who just can't finish this game, even though the design doesn't seem problematic. I do think the dungeons, though an improvement, aren't all that interesting. I do like Zelda 1 dungeons but not for the reason that I like dungeons in this or any other Zelda games
Weak bosses
Like Mario Galaxy 2, it feels too much like its predecessor. This is especially bad for MW3 because it isn't as good as MW2
The humor isn't great
It goes to the extreme of Galaxy 2, focusing on game design so much that the presentation suffers
The most boring cast in the mainline series
Digital controls
Not much single-player content
Its difficulty curve is bizarre enough to sometimes turn this into a frustrating play
This game should not be running any less than 60fps
Strega isn't interesting
I honestly think this would have been better if it wasn't a video game
It misunderstands what it is remaking
Zelda should have been more present in this. She also should have kept Tetra's skin color, come on Nintendo.
the medals
Limiting the game to only a couple of maps that you have no control of is terrible
Not as sharp to play as the first game
This world doesn't feel as alive as the world of Earthbound, even though the narrative and characters are great
It really would have just been better if Sonic was the only playable character
Justice for All is definitely the weak link
Multiplayer is less faithful than I would have hoped
Launch Base Zone
Maybe the least explorative Zelda game in the history of the series
Typical Kojima misogyny is in here
Typical Kojima misogyny is in here
The game feels compromised by it being split into two
I don't think I find Daru as funny as this game thinks he is
I don't care about Encore mode
I wish the game did more to combat the "I could fix her" or "She's LITERALLY ME" kind of stuff that surrounds this game. There is more there, but the game doesn't challenge those sillier perspectives
You can't have it both ways and be both a Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice game.
Typical Kojima misogyny is in here
The official localization of TGAA being much better than the then-well-received translation of The Great Ace Attorney makes me more critical over the translation effort of this game
Not sure why they reduced the game, especially s the gigaleak showed that they had high-quality versions of the voice clips anyway
It's easy to get lost in this game, and not in the good way
Voice acting
I wish the game made more clear the meaning of the routes, because there is a design meaning to them.
The ending of the final trial is a bit over-the-top
Doesn't have nearly enough Beatles songs, and some of the songs that are here are baffling choices with that in mind
Not a fan necessarily of all the changes to movesets here
Could have lasted longer and used more of Chapter 1
This cast has nothing on Hotel Dusk's cast
Having bonus levels that you can only access by pressing the random button is insane
A lot of what Sonic Triple Trouble did was a direct response and progression of Sonic Chaos, and that aspect of it I think isn't communicated the best in this remake
Doesn't control nearly as tightly as its predecessor, it's less arcadey
Godot is my least favorite prosecutor of this trilogy.
Too easy
Some of the maps really do suck, although I will say that I was pleasantly surprised at how low of a proportion of levels this was given the size of the game. I'm really only talking about a couple here, that's impressive!

Certain little things could be more elegantly implemented too, I think the Add-on experience can get quite repetitive if you have a lot of them (I have 100+ already!)
The production values is sadly not nearly as great as the rest of the package
Amount of content isn't great
Too derivative, even if it is the apex of this series
Probably ought to have had a content warning
Probably ought to have had a content warning


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