Peppy's Absolute Favorites (with descriptions!)

Here it is, my absolute favorites! Ordering is hard and thus becomes less coherent the lower you get. The top 35 is solid though. I'll get around to adding notes on what makes each game shine to me.
(Edit: I'm so disappointed in myself for letting this list balloon to having 100 entries. And there are like 3 other games I still thought about adding! 103 is a foul looking number though. I'd never let that happen. Surely not!)

Dark Souls
Dark Souls
The most important and beloved game for me.
This was the most I've ever been obsessed with a game, or any piece of media. It was just the perfect cocktail of art and mood and gameplay that I needed at the time. I adored the slow pace dungeon crawling, feeling lost in world that felt so huge and interconnected. I loved how quiet the experience was, with everything between the bombastic combat encounters being eerily still. It just let me soak in this almost melancholic, lonely atmosphere that I always seem to be starving for. The combat may not be the deepest, but I can remember the weight of every encounter in ways I haven't for anything else. The parry sound alone might be one of the most neuron-activating noises for me.
Even over a decade later, this game still has a magic hold over me. Anytime I feel lost or unsure, a play session of this can at least bring come comfort and warmth. I don't think I can call it nostalgia (I'd rather not think of the time I played this for the first time), but I can say that my relationship to Dark Souls is more personal than any other game. Discussing mechanics or the overall quality of the gameplay in depth won't reveal why I feel so strongly about this one. I just simply love this game.


Doom 1 and 2 might have the best modding scene in gaming. The base games themselves are timeless and inherently a joy to play, especially the first. The fast paced movement, maze-like level design, and absolutely phenomenal enemy roster just keep bringing me back.
But, alas, I can only play knee deep in the dead x number of times before things get mundane. Thankfully there always seems to be a new map set, weapon set, or entire new game available through the passionate modders of this game. Whether I'm blasting demons to gory bits in hell, exploring pyschedelic alien vessels to the tune of smooth jazz, or enjoying the story of a lone-wanderer in a post nuclear apocalypses; I'm always taken aback by how far fans push this wonderful game.
Also, thank god for the cacoawards! I look forward to that event more so than any other gaming related showcase!


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
This game just has the best roster in all of Monster Hunter without feeling bloated like Generations. Adding verticality to the landscapes as well as two of the more creative weapons in the series is just the icing on the cake. The only thing that would elevate it for me is having a farm to go back to after every hunt like the previous games.


The shmup that taught me how to love the genre through it's smooth gameplay and Buddhist themes. Even after playing titans of the shmup genre this love letter still stands out with it's fascinating progression, pleasant art style, and surprising amounts of lore. Hell, playing such a genuine celebration of the genre made going back and experiencing its inspirations that much sweeter.


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind


Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux
Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


I don't care that the game is still in early access, the endless mode alone is one of the most orgasmic experiences in not just fps games, but gaming in general. Every action has been tuned with sound and timing to be as satisfying as possible. Every weapon has such personality and depth to really let you play how you please. And every enemy brings their own fun dynamic to a fight.
This fast-paced, vampiric gameplay has some of the most intense back-and-forth clashes with enemies with your health bar rocketing up and down with every shotgun blast. Hell, even the boss fights are fun. I would even go as far as to say they are the highlight of the experience, and this is a fps game mind!
It's wonderful as is, and I'm sure it will continue to be one of the best fps experiences when finished.


Mega Man Zero/ZX: Legacy Collection
Mega Man Zero/ZX: Legacy Collection
I KNOW putting a whole-ass collection is cheating, okay! I can't fucking pick a favorite. If this isn't here, the whole damn row will be filled with the red edgeboy! (The ZX games are great too, they just kinda get overshadowed by the Zero ones in my eyes.)

But seriously, the Zero franchise has some of the best platformer action I've ever encountered. Zero controls like a dream; gliding over and under obstacles while slashing enemies in half with no more than a couple of swings. Between his ever-changing arsenal and the overwhelming amount of power-ups and augments he can obtain through cyberelves, there is always so much to learn and master. Combine that with the typical mega man choose-what-order-of-bosses style of progression and these games are infinitely replayable!
Thankfully the games are far from eye-sores, despite their gba origins. Most levels are designed in a way that accommodate the small screen and there is rarely any need to slow down your gameplay due to visual issues (minus a couple of bullshit drops). Outside of that, I simply adore this artstyle! The use of alot of rounder components to all the mechanical characters and creatures make everything look so sleek and cool looking. Zero himself somehow manages to pull off looking absolutely bad-ass and kinda adorable? Oh, and the cyber-elves! They are so wonderful, I wish we got a pokemon-esque spinoff with them...
I should also mention that the soundtracks for these games are simply the best in Mega Man as a franchise, even with the gba crunch! Love the originals as well as the official remastered versions.


Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas


Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077
I honestly just like aimlessly driving around in the rain in Cyberpunk2077.

I swear to fucking god everytime I consider writing something for the game it updates. It's good alright?? I thought it was good before the big Phantom Liberty update and it's probably even better now. Great story, an absolutely jaw dropping world, and some sexy motorcycles were all I need from it. I'm glad to hear the gameplay got better.


Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake


Kid Icarus: Uprising
Kid Icarus: Uprising


Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
I often go back and forth between this and Redux, to the point where I can't say which one I like more. Either way, this might be the best dungeon crawler rpg ever? I kinda wish we had SMT 3 press turn combat, but what's here is really solid and the difficulty really pushes you to engage with it. I spend so much time teambuilding not because it's my fav part of monster training games (which it is), but because I needed to do so to survive this brutal game. Couple this with a bleak story and believable characters, and you have one hell of an experience.


Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64


Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Monster Hunter is just built for animal lovers and dinosaur nerds and I adore the series for it. It's like an alternative world of pokemon that still brims with optimism and positivity among its human inhabitants while also respecting the humbling power of nature. You just get to play as someone just doing their job to keep a settlement (and the surrounding environment) safe from the scaly forces-of-nature nearby.

Rise and Sunbreak are interesting entries in the series for their incredible speed and focus on combat. While still present, gathering and preparation for hunts take a back-seat to the amount of combat options given to the player.
A very controversial direction to take for a series built on slow-burn progression and forward-thinking prep work.

Thankfully, combat turned out very, very good and comes with the most fluid movement in any monster-hunting type game. What if spiderman was a ninja with a very big sword? And he could perfect-counter the strikes and bites of giant dinosaurs?

Oh and the monster roster in this game is incredible. Fan favorites like the Magalas are back in some of their best incarnations. Newcomers (based off Japanese yokai and western horror tropes) are incredibly varied, from a bear capable of making ice swords to a vampiric dragon. It's all so wonderful.


Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Elden Ring definitely has my favorite set of spells in gaming and incorporates them into a souls game in a way where I don't feel under or overpowered using them. It's great!

I still have mixed feelings on the open world, but when that open world has some of my favorite dungeons in From 's portfolio, I can forgive a ton. The capital city has my jaw hit the floor every time I explore it!

Oh yeah, and this game proved to some of my friends that FromSoft games are good, in fact. That was cool ...


Armored Core: Master of Arena
Armored Core: Master of Arena
I think of this entry as a stand-in for AC1 and both of it's expansions, but of the games I adore Master of Arena the most. I just find the arena aspect of the AC games absolutely enthralling, so of course I'm drawn to this entry.
I think what draws me to the ps1 era of Armored Core is that unique atmosphere that feels mostly lost in future entries. Exploring these dark, underground facilities, sometimes in complete silence, is so engrossing to me. Of course I'm also a sucker for the ps1's signature visial-jank, so that's definitely a huge factor!
Even this early-on, I think AC just nailed the fantasy they were going for. Constructing, utilizing, and maintaining your giant mech is staggeringly deep and open for so much player expression! There's always a new build to try out and the shop system in these games encourage it by allowing you to sell back parts and the price you bought them. Actually using these builds is great as well, playing like a third person shooter with rocket skates and a jet-pack. What's not to love?
Besides just playing amazing, AC shows how early FromSoft ost's used to sound! Unconventional, Unpredictable, and catchy-as-hell. Especially the arena songs, dear god I love those.


Ridge Racer Type 4
Ridge Racer Type 4
Feel-good stories and easy-on-the ears music makes this entry in Ridge Racer one of the comfiest experiences in gaming. Drifting has never been so relaxing (and satisfying!)


Thief II: The Metal Age
Thief II: The Metal Age
Still the best stealth game ever made. There aren't any bad missions aside from a couple towards the end of the game, but even those were more filler-ish than bad. Gadgets are still incredibly useful and varied and your chosen toolbelt can completely change the dynamic of a heist. Replayable as hell.
Not that you'd need to, seeing as there are so many fan missions (or even campaigns) out there. Wonderful community.
(Also, I love Garett. Such a loveable anti-hero and what a slick voice! One of my fav protags.)

I do kind of miss the horror levels from the first entry,


Touhou Luna Nights
Touhou Luna Nights
My gateway drug to the TouHou series. Honestly, mixing bullet-hell mechanics with time-stopping abilities and tossing that into a metroidvania is just genius. It just works so well and makes everything from puzzle solving to combat so interesting!
I know everyone knows this, but i have to say that Touhou music ROCKS. Holy shit, there is not a bad track in this game. Coupled with the stellar pixel art and you got some s-tier presentation!
The only negative I really have is that the metroidvania aspect of the game is a little weak, but it hardly bothers me during a playthrough.


Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood


Pokémon Rejuvenation
Pokémon Rejuvenation


S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Anomaly
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Anomaly
Stalker never really clicked with me until I tried Anomaly. It's just so refreshing to play a single player game where you are not the main character and feel that constantly in the gameplay. Possibly the most alive feeling game out there with one of the most oppressive worlds.

Mechanically this game is amazing. It has just the right mix of military sim, horror, and survival elements to remain exciting at any point. There's always something you're saving for or trying to repair/upgrade and the pressure to not use your medical supplies to prevent an excursion being a net loss is ever-palpable. The enemy a.i. is brutal as hell and shockingly cheeky. I've caught more than a few enemy soldiers crouch when the rest of their squad die and try to sneak outside my fov, it's nuts. Monolith as a whole are incredibly fun combatants with how chaotic their fighting style tends to end up (mostly just grenade tossing, tons of movement).

Love booting this up and playing as a Duty soldier. I just love their aesthetic and Rostok is a lovely bastion of safety in a world of mutants and gunfire. It's also near a shotgun merchant, and my god do I love shotguns in this game. Using an over-under as a makeshift rifle with slugs in the early game is fun as hell and I'm glad the end game shotguns remain useful.


Mount & Blade: Warband
Mount & Blade: Warband
Base Warband is a pretty cool RPG/war sim. The sword play is basic, but really satisfying and I love horseback archery in this game. Of course the main draw are managing your own army and watch huge battles, and that still doesn't get old!

With all of that said, I think this game truly shines when you delve into the mod scene. These aren't small changes or replacing some npc with Hulk Hogan, these mods tend to be full, total conversions that often eclipse the base game in scope. You can experience warfare in feudal Japan, at least two wholly original lite-fantasy worlds, ancient Rome, or even Star Wars. Many of which are stuffed with QoL and expansions to RPG mechanics.

Probably my fav is Nova Aetas, which takes the base game's world and advances it in history to a renaissance-esque period. More importantly, it allows for other ways of advancing in power besides warfare! Namely business management, entering guilds, landowning, treasure hunting, and participating in your chosen religion. Very cool, but all the combat additions (100's of new weapons including early firearms and some abilities/perks) make warfare remain the most entertaining. The visual overhaul is also incredible, you can tell the modder really put their all into some of the environments, especially the churches.

One of my fav additions that many of these TC's have (including Nova!) is one that lets you enlist in some NPC's army and advance through their troop tree, gaining their armies equipment as you progress. Takes away much of the stress of management while getting you straight to the action! Or you could just participate in tournaments. Every mod seems to handle those differently and they're a fun way to earn early game money while mastering the combat!

I could honestly ramble on and on about how feature rich the mods for this game are, but I think I made myself clear. The fundamentals are great and the expansion of that foundation by fans make this game truly wonderful. I'll never stop coming back for some jousting.

Best Mods:
1. Nova Aetus
2. Warsword Conquest
3. Persino
4. 16th Century
5. Gekokujo


Metroid Prime: Trilogy
Metroid Prime: Trilogy
Yeah putting the whole trilogy is cheating, but I hold them all in high regard. Each game is absolutely masterful at evoking isolating, beautiful atmosphere while also providing some really fun boss fights. I'm genuinely shocked we haven't seen more 3D metroidvanias in this fashion. Regardless, any opportunity to play as Samus is more than welcome. Not to mention that having Ridley as well as Dark Samus as this saga's antagonists is very fun.

If I had to pick one it would've been 2 and this release gave that game some adjustments and new control schemes making it the definitive version as of now. Hopefully the rest of the prime saga get a face lift like the original had. That was amazing.


Shin Megami Tensei V
Shin Megami Tensei V


FTL: Faster Than Light
FTL: Faster Than Light
Probably the best utilized real-time-with-pause combat I've ever experienced? The system disabling mechanic makes for a lot of really interesting decision making both in offense and defense. You can absolutely cripple most encounters, but everything on your end can go to shit really quickly. I live for the moments in the game where your ship is on fire or losing oxygen (often both at once) and you have to decide which member of your crew has to stop contributing to the fight and deal with it. Most of a run is kind of a breeze, but there's usually bound to be some really good tension. This is especially true thanks the wonderfully difficult final boss. The flagship does not fuck around and I'm always at least a little nervous entering that fight. It's great!

I also love the world (or universe, I guess?) and atmosphere of FTL. The alien races are wonderfully distinct and varied, consisting of bugs, robots, rock people, and even slugs (foul little bastards they are). Each of their sectors also have distinct osts to further characterize them and they're all great. In fact the entire ost is stellar with some really catchy earworms for every fight!


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
(I vastly prefer the original. I'm just using the remake fore the beautiful cover art ^_^ )


Getting into Anime-laser battles with giant mecha fish is just peak fiction, man. Like, how do other games compete?
Every boss fight is a spectacle. Every song is a hypnotic cluster-fuck. Every playthrough is an absolute joy!


Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
I just adore 3rd gen Monster Hunter. The music, art direction, and monsters are just peak MH. Portable 3rd is absolutely gorgeous for a psp game and plays wonderfully, especially with tweaks via the excellent ppsspp emulator (seriously, that thing is almost Dolphin-tier). As much as I love Sunbreaks complex, high-speed combat, I do find a lot of comfort in this game's simplicity. It also has the coolest Hunting Horn ever: the Darkest Coffin!
Oh yeah, and this game has the best farm in the whole series. Just the right amount of convenience to avoid feeling like a chore. It just feels like home, and I can say that about the whole game.


King's Field II
King's Field II
A perfect ending for the Verdite trilogy, which consists of three of the best dungeon crawling experiences available to this day. I love the original King's Field trilogy for their moody atmosphere, crippling sense of loneliness, and the uncomfortably catchy ost that accompanies your adventure. While KF3 lacks the interconnected world of its predecessor, it more than makes up for it by making its world feel massive and lived in while still maintaining the oppressive atmosphere of dying medieval world. It also happens to have some of the most standout moments in the series including my absolute favorite instance of gaining the sword of moonlight.


Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III
I wish Dark Souls III had more of it's own identity (especially with how DSII handled itself), but god damn if this game doesn't have the best bosses in videogame history. The overall boost in speed of the gameplay really let FromSoft make these guys as stylish as possible. I just can't get enough of dodging the Abyss Watchers' sword drifts, Sister Friede's dual scythe grapples, and Lorian's mid-swing teleports. And the MUSIC. Even seemingly unimportant fights like Gundyr or the Dragonslayer armor get some of the best boss music in the medium. I'm talking music that intimidates, conveys an air of melancholy, and still manages to be an earworm. God I love this game!

There's some good mods for Dark Souls III. Significantly more crazy and transformative than DS1!
Top Mods:
1. Convergence
2. Archthrones (only the demo is out, but holy shit it is absolutely gorgeous with some really cool areas to explore. Enemy/boss design could use a little work, but goddamn what an experience.)
3. Cinders: More of a Vanilla + experience, but I do enjoy a lot of the game modes and mutators.


The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX


GG Aleste 3
GG Aleste 3
I love the Aleste series in general. They are just comfort food in shmup form and I just keep coming back. Playing these games, you can always count on an engaging power up system, a soul-uplifting soundtrack, and engaging boss fights.
GG Aleste 3 has cemented itself as my favorite in the series largely because I just find the fact it exists fascinating. A dream team of shmup devs out of no where decide to make a sequel to the little-shmup-that-could series that is the GG Aleste games and they fucking nailed it. GG Aleste 2 was already great (and might arguably be better), but this third entry is more than a worthy sequel with easily the best presentation and boss fights on the Game Gear.
IDK how I ended up in the world where GG Aleste 3 exists, but I feel rather lucky I do.


Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
Still not sure if I love this more or less than the original lol. I think the remake has less parts of the game that I outright dislike (QTE's are gone, the boss fights are much more enjoyable, and I actually enjoyed Separate Ways enough to replay it multiple times), but I really like the original's stop-and-shoot rhythm. This remake's combat is still amazing of course, but it feels less unique and a bit too forgiving for a horror game. Being able to parry really takes the tension out of making mistakes, even if there is knife durability now. At least it looks stylish as hell!
One thing I do adore about RE4R is how it really sold me on RE4's characters and story. Ashley and Luis are absolutely wonderful and I'm sad we'll probably never see them again. Every second spent with the merchant is as pleasant as ever, especially so in his adorably ridiculous shooting gallery!
Overall I'm happy this remake has given me an additional excuse to revisit Spain RE Edition and I imagine it will remain a mainstay on my spooky October playlist. If only I was good enough to unlock those cat ears...


Earth Defense Force 5
Earth Defense Force 5
Air raider might be my favorite class in any of these co-op shooters. I love that I can just level a city with single button before scurrying inside a mecha I just called in. Even with all of the nukes, orbital lasers, and gunships, the game is still good at keeping me on my toes and reminding me how small and weak my character is compared to the truly giant enemy roster (both size and number).

The other classes are fun too, I guess. I just pop open this game to get the most explosions per minute in the medium. The missions are always about eliminating the enemy threat, but I like to think of every level as a race to see who can cause the most damage.

(Why is the music so good btw? There's a 4+ minute long piece used on a menu that no player lingers on for more than 30 seconds, and it's the best part of the ost...nuts)


Risk of Rain 2
Risk of Rain 2


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous


Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon


Void Stranger
Void Stranger
What the fuck do I even say about Voidstranger. If you're reading this and you like puzzles just play it. This is such a beautiful puzzle box of a game that constantly changed the way I saw the limits of its world. I love system erasure.


Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2


Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment


SoulCalibur II
SoulCalibur II
I love Soulcalibur so god damn much. The moment I saw someone at an arcade play as Nightmare, the edgiest knight in history, teenage me was sold. I just love the cast of characters, weapon-based gameplay, and respect towards single player content in these games. Soulcalibur 2 and 3 are my faves, but I think I prefer 2's Weapon Master mode over 3's Chronicles of the Sword. I find the writing and pacing of WP very relaxing while also useful for shaking off rust or taking the time to learn a new character.
(needless to say, but the music in this game is fantastic. Probably the best in a series filled with excellent osts.)


Sonic Riders
Sonic Riders


Wario Land 4
Wario Land 4


Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon


Maximo: Ghosts to Glory
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory
This 3D platformer feels like it was almost made for arcades and I mean that in the best possible way. I fucking love that there are currencies need for the luxury of continues and saves. Nothing else makes you feel like a master at a game than having an abundance of these resources after losing playthroughs through running out. It's a tough game, but incredibly rewarding to learn!

Of course this would mean nothing if Maximo wasn't a fun character to control. His Zelda II-like downward sword thrust is so satisfying to use, especially so when activating checkpoints! Having the shield be so essential for combat both offensively (it's a boomerang shield!!!) and defensively while giving it have durability was also a great choice.

While overall I wouldn't say that the combat or platforming is exceptional, but the level design and enemies constantly puts you under so much pressure without ever feeling bullshit. I just wish the boss fights kept that energy. Thankfully the final one is rad as hell!


Sonic Robo Blast 2
Sonic Robo Blast 2


The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match
The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match
I love KOF so much and this game just has everything I could ask for. It's a wonderful way to pay tribute the the NEST saga and takes the concept of a dream match to the absolute extreme. There's over 60 characters and most of them feel absolutely wonderful to play. Idk, just the combination of the SNK's excellent pixel art along with the standout ost and satisfying sound design makes even training mode enjoyable to just push buttons on. I don't think I'll ever be good at KOF, but at least I can find joy in picking a random character and trying to find a combo or two to bring over to the acarde mode. Even if the singleplayer aspect of the game is pretty lacking, I find my never ending pursuit of one day beating Omega Rugal (a stupidly difficult boss fight that has some crazy requirements just to have a single attempt at) to be more than enough to suck me back in ever few months or so.
(Fav Characters: Leona, Nameless, and Shermie)


Super Metroid
Super Metroid
As near to perfection metroidvanias have ever gotten to. Super Metroid is one of the finest crafted games ever made, handling its atmosphere, pacing, and the ever-growing toolbelt of Samus in ways that make every playthrough magical.

I do wish I played the game less though lol. Sometimes it feels like the magic is running out! Thankfully, I've discovered that the romhacking scene of this game is brimming with talent! None really bring the feeling of Super's first playthrough back, but that's not what I look for in fan work anyway. I highly recommend Hyper Metroid, Vitality, Subversion, or Ascent. Non-linearity and strong atmosphere seems to be high priorities for these talented hackers! I'm just glad to find new hallways to shinespark through after all this time.


Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines


Mushihime-sama Futari
Mushihime-sama Futari


Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Probably the best rail-shooter of all time? Possibly the best collection of boss fights that Treasure has ever made? Easily in the top 3 of the Wii's vast library. I just don't know how both Sin and Punishment games came out and blew everything around them out of the water, only to remain relatively obscure.
I really want to 1cc this one day even though it's so damn long.




Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium
The most beautifully written games I have ever played, filled to the brim with various portraits of the human soul. No horror or action game have driven me to pause the game and fucking breath as much as this game, and it did so with only words and dice. The characters and their stories will stick with me forever and the fate of all those who painted this wonderful world will always sadden me.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
I love 3D zelda and Twilight Princess just ticks all the right boxes for me.

I love the dark, twisted, fairy-tail world this game takes place. It teeters on being edgy, while also having some bizarre inhabitants that makes the world feel more like a fever dream than a nightmare.

I enjoy the combat of this game, boasting the largest move pool for Link while also providing some really strong boss fights in terms of both spectacle and mechanics.

I absolutely relish the chance to explore some of the most creative and atmospheric dungeons in the series. While it's a shame they tend to be rendered useless, all of Link's gadgets shine radiantly in their respective dungeons. Puzzles aren't necessarily head scratchers, but they are incredibly satisfying in the process of executing them.

And last, but definitely not least, I love Midna. Probably the best character Nintendo has ever written? At least for the Zelda series? She starts off as such an asshole to Link, but ends up developing so much so that by the end of the game I was sad that there would be no other adventure between the two. Oh, and she lets Link become a wolf. Link is basically a werewolf here...I fucking love this game!


Pokémon Quarantine Crystal
Pokémon Quarantine Crystal
Usually I'm not too crazy about remix romhacks, especially for gen 2 pokemon games. I guess I've experienced Johto and Kanto too much to make me want to revisit these games without significant changes. Quarantine Crystal does that in spades.

All of the new pokemon are pretty damn cool. Let's just get that out of the way. I appreciate that this romhack leans more toward making weird/freaky creatures rather than cute pets. It's not often where I can't choose just 6 for my main team!

As good as the mons are, I think the real strength of this romhack is how it redesigns Pokemon Crystal as a whole. There's the usual changes with the level curve being made less pitiful and some features of modern pokemon being ported over. What really steals the show is that every location gets a lovely face-lift (less identical buildings, more diverse flora, ect) and there are even plenty of new locations. It's very refreshing and makes what was already one of the cutest gbc games even cuter (even if its full of freaks).


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night




Caves of Qud
Caves of Qud


Stranger of Sword City
Stranger of Sword City
I didn't think I'd love a dungeon-crawler isekai this much, god damn!

The best Wizardry-like in my eyes. The art and music is just gorgeous and I love how much control and flexibility you have with the class system, especially in the Revisited edition. In general I enjoy a RPG (or any game for that matter) where death is always one or two fuck-ups away and this game more than provides. I don't think I've fled from more battles than this game and I think that kinda rocks!


Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament 2004
This game is simply the all-you-can-eat buffet of multiplayer shooters. Almost 2 decades old and it's still a blast to play thanks to it's wonderful A.I., fantastic map selection, variance of game modes, and of course the music!
All of this centered around Unreal's fresh arsenal and movement! Oh and don't get me started on all the fan-made content for this game, sheesh.
UT99 is also wonderful, but I'm a sucker for Assault and the vehicle-based game modes.


Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers
Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers
(I might be jumping the gun with this one lol. Honestly, SRB2 Kart would've easily ended up on this list had it included any single player content, so I still feel comfortable putting this game on the list even though it was released so recently)

I'm just blown away by this damn game. A sequel to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart with an incredibly maximalist approach. This kart racer might be more mechanically complex than Sonic Riders and that is just mind boggling. And there's over 200 courses to for you to master those mechanics on! And they are all absolutely beautiful! Incredible!

It definitely helps that there's is a very substantial amount of single player content to enjoy here. Of course there's plenty of cups to play in the grand prix, but there's also a metric ton of unlockables and secrets found on a Super Smash Bros Brawl-style unlock board. The main blemish to this is that the enemy a.i. can be absolutely insane at even normal, but that gets better the more you learn how to manage your ring resource as well as memorize some the crazy short cuts you can take.

Idk, it's just refreshing to have a cute racing game that doesn't play as a Mario Kart clone.


Nioh 2
Nioh 2


Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
Definitive Ninja Game
All-around solid stealth game that reminds me a lot of Thief (they came out within a year of each other). I just love the moody atmosphere with the pitch black, nighttime missions paired with that lovely soundtrack. It's just perfect for all the sneaky hijinx you get into in this game.

The diversity and creativity of all the gadgets is great and the always-present grappling hook makes navigation a joy. Combat tends to be pretty quick and painless, especially so with ninja tools, but boss fights are fun enough. I only wish stealth was less basic, but at least the assassination animations are sick as hell!


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance


The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Part 1 is honestly kind of middling (outside the stellar soundtrack of course), but playing it makes part 2 a truly excellent experience. Goddamn I loved each and every case and I'm sad the Great Ace Attorney is only a duology :(


Bulk Slash
Bulk Slash
Honestly, we need more games with jet/mech hybrids. Besides that, this game is charming as hell with music and visuals that always force a smile out of me. The gameplay is a little simple outside the final level, but the brevity and variety of environments keep me coming back for a playthrough every once and a while.

Thank god for the fantastic fan-dub of this game btw. It sounds so authentic and I'm glad I got to experience the game this way!


Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
One of the most adorable games ever made. Fantastic art direction all around; showcased extremely well by the 2.5D platforming. The soundtrack complements the visuals nicely and Klonoa's "Wahoo!" will always get a smile out of me.

I don't think any game's ending tears me apart like this one and I'm rarely moved my videogame stories. The delivery is just perfect and I'll never forget the night I finished my first playthrough. Such a gem of a game, I wish I lived in the world where Klonoa got the attention it deserved, leaving every child bawling with tears in it's wake.

(The ps1 version is still the best and I will not hear otherwise. The 2D sprites in 3D environments looks will always be more charming to me.)


Dishonored 2
Dishonored 2


Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered


Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Satisfies most of the pirate fantasy while delivering a pretty good story! I'm a sucker for AC's ship combat and I love that I can cheese assassination contracts by just peppering an island with cannon fire! Now if only there were less trailing missions...


Pokémon Reminiscencia
Pokémon Reminiscencia


Spark the Electric Jester 3
Spark the Electric Jester 3


Alice: Madness Returns
Alice: Madness Returns


Guardians: Denjin Makai II
Guardians: Denjin Makai II
Not a lot of arcade beat-em-ups have this many characters on offer and even fewer of them have the entire roster feel distinct and fun to play as. Each have their own list of special moves and some even have quirks with their movement. Learning how to juggle and combo with each character is rewarding and fun, especially so since the difficulty curve of the game is relatively smooth and spike-free. Getting a 1-cc is still pretty tough, but the learning process isn't as demanding as a lot of other arcade games. If anything, I wish I had more excuses to stay in the vibrant, cyberpunk world of Denjin Makai It is wild how creative and beautiful these games are while still having some of the best gameplay in the genre.


Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero
Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero
Did not expect a Megaman fangame featuring a joke-character (a poorly-drawn and incredibly verbose Zero) to have such love and craftmanship put into it. Typically a competition, this entry in Make A Good Mega Man Level decides to only include a curated list of levels instead of including every entry, trash or masterpiece. So to say: The quality of most levels (many of which tributes to other games such as Wario Land, Castlevania, and Pepsiman!) is absolutely stellar!

What makes many of these levels great is Zero's amazing moveset. Rather than a traditional Megaman X/Zero scheme, this game offers some twists. Zero still has his dash, but now he can maintain his altitude and dash mid-air as well as slam himself to the ground, giving him a speed boost as he lands. It is so enjoyable to master and get the most out of, and the levels are often challenging enough to justify it. Even with 70+ levels, I never got tired of dashing and slashing!

(Most of the soundtrack is borrowed, but there are some incredible original tracks here and there )



There are 4 (maybe more?) ways of using dynamite and they are the most fun ways of doing so I've experienced. This game is like a first-person RE4 with a stronger focus on horror, how could I not love it?


Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox


Valkyria Chronicles 3: Extra Edition
Valkyria Chronicles 3: Extra Edition


Horizon's Gate
Horizon's Gate


Insanely new game to put in my top 100 and its an early access game, but goddamn am I in love with this thing. I usually fatigue quickly from fps games, but I devoured this title over the weekend and still itch to keep playing it. It is a very absorbing and addictive game to play.

I think I'm comfortable placing it because I've had its major inspiration, F.E.A.R., pop onto this list more than a couple of times. I keep removing it because of how much I dislike the horror side of it as well as the relatively drab and boring environments. I just wanted F.E.A.R. with some ZEST, you know? I think Selaco more than delivers on everything I was hoping for, especially with the unique sci-fi setting and abundance of cute little touches. My main complaint is obvious for a game in EA: the game is unfinished and doesn't end in a satisfying way. I'm just really excited to see how this one develops!

(Special mention to the Penetrator for being the best nail gun-adjacent weapon ever. I love the tiny turret alt fire so much.)


The AMC Squad
The AMC Squad
Possibly the best thing that has come from Duke Nukem's legacy. The AMC squad is decade old piece of fan fiction where you can play over 10 characters (most of which are self-inserts of the devs) trying to defend the universe after the death of Duke himself. It is one of the most ambitious projects I've ever played and it's not even done.

Four out of the planned six chapters are out and the game is still around 40-60 hours long without a single second wasted (outside of bumbling around any of the several hub worlds). Every mission is packed with amazing set pieces, level gimmicks, and secrets (that are often character-specific). Something I love about them is how often the tone alternates between cheesy action-movie fun and dreadful cosmic horror. I was genuinely caught off guard with how often I was feeling fearful despite having a plasma gun in my back pocket. It's great!


World of Horror
World of Horror
Mostly style over substance, but the style is absolutely immaculate. Every screen, every enemy, and even the damn UI is so well done and backed up with a soundtrack that can be catchy as hell or absolute spine-chilling. Just a lovely experience.

I think the moment to moment gameplay is still very much engaging on its own, but a lot is lost whenever you encounter mysteries a second time, especially if you solved them already. I think juggling all the numbers in your head and deciding between sacrificing health or sanity can still be fun and have a good amount of tension, but sometimes it feels like you have a run completely figured out before you even start. Hopefully the workshop update helps freshen things up! Either way, my first few hours with this have been an absolute joy!


Sonic and the Fallen Star
Sonic and the Fallen Star


Echo Night 2: Nemuri no Shihaisha
Echo Night 2: Nemuri no Shihaisha
One of my favorite videogame haunted houses. Echo Night 2 and its predecessor have this wonderfully somber, quiet atmosphere that I looove to just soak in. It's hard to describe. It might have to do with how beautiful these interior areas are rendered within the confines of ps1 tech. If the Echo Night series were more popular, I'd be tempted to cite it as the origin of all the low-poly, indie, horror/walking-sim games we see nowadays. It feels like that common ancestor even if it almost certainly isn't!

At their heart, these games are puzzle boxes and I find this one the more enjoyable of the two. Not by much, mind, but I found the difficulty and creativity here to be just right. Lots of those "Ohhhh of course that works" moments I live for in these types of games.


Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Spyro Reignited Trilogy


Dead Estate
Dead Estate
What an adorable game! Mixing a bunch of horror tropes with this cute, colorful, isometric aesthetic was such an inspired direction to take an Isaac-esque roguelike. Everything is so damn charming and it's hard to be upset about a lost run when you get to hear the first floor theme again.

There's quite a bit to enjoy as well. There's all sorts of character specific mutators and challenges as well as an entire survival horror-esque side game to enjoy. It's wild how much of these features are gated off until you have around 3 successful runs, but once the game finally opens up it's a stellar time.


Voices of the Void
Voices of the Void
I don't think I've played a game that manages to bounce between silly and terrifying so often. I find myself chuckling, cowering, and chuckling over what I cowered at. What a wonderful, digital home this game is!


E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy




Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
he best Shantae game is the one where she isn't a genie. Huh?

The Shantae series always felt like if Zelda game fused with a 2D metroidvania. Heart-pieces, Dungeons, and variety of gadgets that open up new ways of interacting with the world are all present here. Instead of a huge map to explore, however, you instead get a few smaller maps that you can shift between. This removes a lot of the getting-lost and backtracking friction from the typical metroidvania experience at the expense of making the exploration less engrossing. It's still great fun though, especially since each island is very distinct in terms of design and the activities you participate in them (i.e. stealth in the desert island vs combatless platforming in the spooky island).
The greatest advantage this game has is the removal of the Shantae's most iconic feature: her genie powers. Instead of having to interrupt the gameplay with a belly dance and transform into a restrictive animal form, Shantae just uses a variety of pirate gear in the same way as any other metroidvania protagonist. Everything is integrated seamlessly into her moveset and this improves the flow so much, even if some of the series identity is lacking. And these gadgets are really fun. Whoever decided a cannon should be used to give the player a quadruple jump was a genius! Couple this with the best level design in the series and you have an incredibly solid game.
Presentation-wise, Wayforward's pixel art is still as gorgeous as ever and the music is an absolute delight. My only complaint here is that the music is constantly interrupted by cutscenes or pick-up fanfare and is forced to start from the beginning whenever this happens. Such a shame...
As for the story, I would liken it to something you would find off cartoon network. It never takes itself seriously and every character is an comedic idiot in their own way. I was definitely entertained, but never cared for where the story would go, only for where it took me.
If you're looking for a solid, charming platformer, absolutely give this game a try. It's the best entry in the Shantae series, and possibly Wayforward's best work. It showcases all their talent wonderfully.


The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall


Making farms and just fishing to pass the time is one of my favorite things to do in this game. Honestly, doing so might be one of my favorite activities in all of gaming. It might be the pleasant music, the complete freedom of the game, or just the simple ability to create whatever structure I want, but I can't help but feel so at peace in this game. Kicking myself for not playing this in its prime, but I'm glad I'm able to find my own joy in a sandbox such as this.

(Also very cool to see this game still have a thriving modding community. There's so much quality stuff out there, it's honestly daunting.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim




Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity


I.K.E.M.E.N Go
I.K.E.M.E.N Go


Beats of Rage
Beats of Rage



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