Glitchwave Photography Contest

Master list of every winning screenshot for Glitchwave (earlier RateYourMusic message board) Photography Contest, with links to the photo when applicable. [Pics 49, 63, 71, 74, 83, 87, 89, 91, 100, 102, 105, 108, 110, 112 & 114 are mine!]

1. Images shouldn't be edited via image editors. If you want to resize or change the file type, go ahead. Those are the only allowable circumstances.
2. If you're on PC and you're able to put in graphical mods, that's fine. Game has photomode? That's fine.
3. No spoilers, please (or if you think your submission has potential spoilers, put the image in spoiler tags and explicitly warn people that the image could be a potential spoiler).
4. You can only submit one image.
5. Winners make a new round with a new theme. In the case of a tie upon the deadline, the contest will stay open until the tie is broken.
6. Images must be your own and not downloaded from the internet

#98 - David & Goliath
Technically just a screenshot of TempleOS
#95 - Power & Control
Technically it was a screenshot from WeChat, but since it was a low effort meme submission a low effort meme game seems like a good choice to put it on this list lol
#33 - Monster

Pic lost due to deleted account
#31 - Art Objects

Picture lost due to deleted account

1 Comment

9 months ago

I think the links are dead :(

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