"[Company] did what nobody else is doing: A strong singleplayer game without microtransactions, bugs or excess DLCs!"

We have been doing this for a decade now. Please get a new bit.

I love it, but it is literally a live service title lmao.
If you lived through this game's release you might be fucking dumbstruck, because the MTX controversery was really bad and only got worse thanks to Steph Starling & YongYea telling lies for clout, but I've heard that sentiment aimed at this game even before the update that removed the shop and MTX.
Buggiest game on the list btw.
Has the most DLC of every game I've listed, and the PC port is still a mess years later.
Has a bunch of faff DLCs that only just barely avoid being MTX.
[Yes, I know this game has more DLC than some EA games, but it's frequently cited by the title quote]
I hate Neil Fuckmann's anti-Palestine slop but I had to add it for the bit.


7 months ago

Listed are purely games I've heard this sentiment directed towards, regardless of accuracy, so if your favourite game isn't here that's probably why. I also excluded most indies because, let's be honest, most people who say this shit don't play them and I'd also be here for weeks because we get about 10-20 cool new indie games a week. Seriously, itch.io is such a goldmine that I try to avoid it.

The list also isn't ordered, because past a certain point years begin to blur and thus I had to ask my friends what they thought of when I sent the title quote.

5 months ago

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