"[Company] did what nobody else is doing: A strong singleplayer game without microtransactions, bugs or excess DLCs!"

We have been doing this for a decade now. Please get a new bit.

I love it, but it is literally a live service title lmao.
Buggiest game on the list btw.
I hate Neil Fuckmann's anti-Palestine slop but I had to add it for the bit.
Has a bunch of faff DLCs that only just barely avoid being MTX.
Has the most DLC of every game I've listed, and the PC port is still a mess years later.
If you lived through this game's release you might be fucking dumbstruck, because the MTX controversery was really bad and only got worse thanks to Steph Starling & YongYea telling lies for clout, but I've heard that sentiment aimed at this game even before the update that removed the shop and MTX.
[Yes, I know this game has more DLC than some EA games, but it's frequently cited by the title quote]


6 months ago

Listed are purely games I've heard this sentiment directed towards, regardless of accuracy, so if your favourite game isn't here that's probably why. I also excluded most indies because, let's be honest, most people who say this shit don't play them and I'd also be here for weeks because we get about 10-20 cool new indie games a week. Seriously, itch.io is such a goldmine that I try to avoid it.

The list also isn't ordered, because past a certain point years begin to blur and thus I had to ask my friends what they thought of when I sent the title quote.

5 months ago

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