So I'd made a Google Doc of games I've been wanting to cover on the YT channel but for whatever reason my brain didn't like connect the dots to just make a list here instead lmao. Easier and more visually interesting for sharing too!

May make a film equivalent of this list on my letterboxd but who knows lol.

These are games that I really want to cover or have a major interest in making some kind of analysis or video about at SOME point possibly. This doesn't necessarily guarantee that I will cover every game within this list. But I do absolutely want to cover a lot of them if I can.

Recommendations and suggestions are appreciated and I will read them but there is no guarantee or promise that I will absolutely add it to the list. Just depends on my general interest in the recommendation/suggestion.

Link to my channel is in my bio links!

Generally the vibe for the castlevania series would be whatever games catch my interest/have the most interesting narratives to me.
If I can stand this one. I tried it once and it's really really interesting but it kinda plays like shit lmao.
This one is a big maybe but I think it'd be a really fun one off as long as copyright wouldn't fuck me over lmao.


1 year ago

Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy IX

Grandia, Deception, Baten Kaitos, Front Mission, and Hexyz Force plus more? There's gonna be some bangers in the making
@BlazingWaters Oh yeah we defo cookin! I think I'm most excited to get to Deception especially cause those games have always fascinated me!

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