Vee's 2023 Adventure Log

A new year....a new class of misfits to assemble.

I'm pretty decent at Sonic 1 apparently!

Context: Won a race against friends.
Had a terrible night at work, really needed something comfy after that.
Pretty much the only reason this isn't number one is because I give an advantage to newer games.
Local pizza chef flips out and craters a tower of some kind.
Still genuinely in awe that it exists and that it rules. I appreciate it that much.
Aegis Reflector is the coolest super move in fighting game history that isn't a grapple of some kind.
Little survival horror for your little game boy.
Lead pipe goes CRASH!
Played with a friend over Fightcade.
Just kiss already you two.
In my dreeeeeams, I can hear you calling me~
Arcade version! Pew pew!
Genesis version.

Decent port all things considered, but the sound is so terrible compared to Special Championship Edition. It's astounding how badly they fucked up.
Did a run while listening to a Monolord album, quite a good use for this one tbh.
Been playing this off and on the last month or so (December 2022 [Future proofing]), may as well add it here since it crossed into the new year.
Sometimes you gotta drive your little polly pocket car against a mob of semi trucks once in a while.
Look Picross.....I'm just looking for something else to play...please! No! Put that mallet away!

NES version, ofc.

I still think it's hilarious that this game is permanently screwed up on here, thanks to them defaulting to the arcade game for the original page.
I'm a zoom zoomin'
Played with CurtainFire.

Reminded me of The Punisher in terms of combining guns with beat'em up. I gave a two-headed tyrannosaurus a vertical suplex.
Pong: The Nexter Level
SNES version, ofc.
Played with Maradona.
Be one with Yuri....

floods your base with Initiates and UFOs
Found out why Armagon was top tier.
Arcade version, I'm a masochist.
Went in expecting to lose at the seventh race, ended up only losing at the seventeenth race. Maybe I'm just that damn good at the game.

Skill issue.
Arcade version.
Played with Maradona.
Sonic + SMB3 + Lategame Konami Difficulty = Baloni Sandwich
Helmet is in this, so a weird conundrum we got here. Hopefully I remember to keep this right above Helmet throughout the year...
Insanely dull, by the time I was hit by the 73rd wave of Rancids from Time Killers that were assisting Doomsday I was ready to have more fun epilating.
Playthrough number 7 million.

No slowdown patch, so blue laser is horrifically op.
An obvious retooling of the old Day of Reckoning engine, it's really light on content atm, but I will absolutely revisit later after more updates.
Gimme a Yakopoo plush!
Mae is just me, ngl.
Woke up one morning and couldn't get back to bed, so I just played a session in this. I'm still godlike at juking ice cream trucks.
Probably one of the first 3D RTS games. Every unit feels as heavy and sluggish as a fully loaded garbage truck. (very complimentary)

There's like fifty different things for every purpose, and feels like a base turtling wet dream. I like base building, more games should have it.
This thing is a buggy pile, but the experience was pretty funny until it got frustrating at least.
Alphonse Elric gets loose from an oversized test tube and beats up the establishment.
Everyone's now trying to outright guess obscure pokes and it's making the game more interesting, lol.
Karnov is cool, the rest of the people here are a bunch of shmucks. Really dull fighter, could probably rate it lower.
Still the coolest tracks ever.
Played with Maradona.
My Life as a Teenage Hot Wheels Car
I went in expecting to dip out of a race of this after about an hour only to finish the entire thing before everyone else after an eternity of damnation, and taking a thousand shots to the nuts only to take those same shots to the heart when I heard the same people were involved with Spyro Enter the Dragonfly.

...and you know what? That fuckin' tracks.
Played with CurtainFire.

Will for sure revisit this by myself one day, adored the Doom Trooper-ass graphics.
Over in 15 minutes, but a fairly fun 15 minutes.

Also potentially the most problematic game ever made with both John K and Doug Ten Apples attached to it.
I want more bad guys who go "nanny-nanny-boo-boo!!".
If I got a gold ring for every time a confirmed pedophile used Michael Jackson's music in their mid Sonic romhack, I'd have one gold ring.
No, I don't understand why I played this again this year either.
SNES version.

I dunno, the amateurish spritework is kinda endearing. I should get around to the Jaguar port for the lolz.
Bad CV knockoff with a shitty sword attack and the most lenient stairs detection known to the human race. Bamboozling and boring switch structure stage design too. honk shoo.
May as well include it on here. I boot this up on Steam like every few weeks just to fart about in Freestyle, it's supremely comfy to me when I need to kill time. One day I'll do a review, maybe.....who knows.

It's one of those "charming" type games.
Played over Parsec, got fucked over by double inputs at least once, otherwise an incredibly barebones shovelware title.


1 year ago

They are on Picross S ............... nine .............

1 year ago

@DJSCheddar The sad part is that I deleted my save file for Sega Picross and restarted, switch is kinda bleak for me atm.

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