Games developed by Square (ranked)

Please note that my lists are ranked tentatively and are subject to change. I use them as tools to measure games up on each other as I play through series or collected works of certain creators and consider the experiences I have. These are not finalized in any way.


3 years ago

Really nice list, makes me realize how many potentially cool games I've yet to play! If you don't mind me asking, what makes you prefer Secret of Mana to Trials of Mana?

Also, FFVIII in top 3 is - how do the kids say it nowadays? - based

3 years ago

Thanks! I actually don't have much playtime with either secret of mana or trials of mana. I have more with secret because I was using it as inspiration for some sprite backgrounds I was working on for a project recently, but despite the interesting nature of the character choices in trials, I just preferred the world, colors, style, and music of secret.

The way I handle my lists is that I frequently update them with changes as I play the games in them more or complete them, so just at the moment that's how my preferences lie.

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