Favourite Games Of all time

My favorite games ranked.

Imaginative weopons, varied levels and globe trotting buddy story make this my all time favourite Game.
Exploring Empire city with Cole Mcgrath new found powers is cathartic. Awesome story with a knockout plot twist.
Fantastic parkour and time rewinding gameplay are integral to the mechanics.
However it's the central romance integral to the plot that gives Sands of Time the edge on its competitors.
I was disappointed with this on my first playthrough but after replaying it I am after warming up to the games superb capture mechanic, dynamic movement system, colourful levels and the feeling of euphoric unbridled joy encaptulated by the amazing song "Jump up, Superstar"
Metroid is a clear influence on my personal favourite outing from the dark Knight. Scarecrow sections are the highlight of already excellent game.
Severely overlooked. This is a great Open World game with neat electric powers, Fun New Orleans inspired city to explore and a tearjerking good ending.
Mario's most unique platformer is set in Isle delfino a tropical island paradise. An outstanding hub world for an outstanding game.
Graphics so good they are painted on a virtual canvas. Gameplay buttery smooth
A Raw, Real and relentless experience. No other game matches its maturity and devastating emotional impact.
The overabundance of cutscenes may turn people off but they are so expertly directed and engaging that its difficult notto recommend this fan service driven yet thematically rich stealth action game.
Rage and teststostrone fuel Kratos viscously Violent venture into olympus.
Phenomenal bosses that stay consistent throughout.


Flawed but fun. The finale to the Jak trilogy has its story inconsistencies. Swapping Kiera for Ashelin was a terrible decision however the gameplay is super smooth and its difficulty balancing is right where it should be.
No one would have expected that a Racoon thief and his turtle and hippopotamus best friends would be fleshed out three dimensional characters that are well written and likable. Solid platforming and varied gameplay are the icing on this oh so tasty cake.
2D Platforming bliss! Beautiful visuals, incredible use of music both retro and new. Tight controls and extremely challenging yet extremely fun levels.
Gorgeous open World, superb combat and a story with a final boss so good it should be studied in colleges. Ghost is one of playstations very best.
The darkest and most badass entry of the series features great third person shooting and the trademark satire on commercialism fans have come to expect from the series.
Is it blasphemous to say I prefer this over Super Mario Odyssey? I honestly don't care. Delightful from start to finish.
It is no surprise to me that this used as an example for games as an art form. The minimalist approach made this a masterpiece. No NPCs, no side missions, no unlocks. Just 16 magnificent bosses, a boy and his sword, his bow and his ever loyal horse agro.
I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but this is much better than the original. The graphics are obviously better, it's more story driven, not as frustrating and has more of a focus on platforming. The bizarre e level concepts are just wierd and wonderful as the original.
Critics were unfair on this game. I will admit the first 15 hours are boring and you'll be forgiven for thinking its as generic and forgettable as everyone says it is. However the game picks up after you go to Iron Mikes camp. The last half is a lot better than first half.
The most surprising thing about Jak X is that it's more narratively solid than Jak 3. What isn't surprising is that the OST slaps and the vehicle combat is pure awesomeness incarnate.
The most consistently good Zelda in boss and dungeon design. Midna is a likable character and the final showdown is epic. Too similar to Ocarina? Oh definitely. But it's too well made for that to bother me.
An improvement on Assassins Creed II in every conceivable way. Training Assassins is so much fun and watching Ezio mature into a capable master Assassin is a sight to behold.
I hated this game with a passion when I first played it. But the Switch port has changed my opinion completely. Tallon IV is a hauntingly atmospheric environment. Finding upgrades is fun and the bosses are unconventional and unique.
A breath of fresh air compared to modern gear grinders and monetized AAA releases. Effortlessly charming and entertaining.
Short? Yes. Unforgettable and creative? Yes. This is one of the most unusual yet relatable stories ever produced.
80s Action Movies are the choice of spoof in this insanely ridiculous yet awesome expansion. If you do buy it : " Welcome to the party pal! "
The epic conclusion to the Future saga proves that the PS3 was not without its flaws, but not without its gems either. The battle of Gimlick Valley being the best level in the game.
The Bat-Tank isn't that bad! It helps add variety between the always fantastic free flow combat and invincible predator sections. My favourite use of The Joker in all Batman Media.
"Would you Kindly play this game if you haven't already?" A philosophical experience with cool super powers that's well worth the sweat of your brow.
Rockstars Western classic makes you feel your in a John Wayne and Clint Eastwood film. Well written with a excellent story. It's the random stranger encounters that are my favourite part.


A sandbox in every sense of the word.
Lighting fast speed and open world gameplay are a match made in blue blur heaven. I'm not even a big Sonic fan!
Parkour! Mechs! Shooting! Time Jumping! So many ideas make up one of the best FPS single player campaigns since Half Life 2.



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