Games that scared me

Nothing here!

Easily the scariest game I've ever played overall. Nothing comes close.
Everything about this game.
The whole game
the final section of this game, particularly the final boss. Honorable mention to the twins.
The final section of this game.
The vibes, the whole game really
The crimson heads and Lisa Trevor.
Conceptually. The story is plausible enough. I love this urban legend so much.
The historical society
Just being, like, this game is stressful in general.
Scarecrow, in general.
The post ended world. Twygz river.
Ravenholm. Jesus that place.
The regeneradores.
The doctor's office.
Twinkle twinkle little star
The "colonel" AI going crazy and dropping truth bombs.
Jenova's escape
The concentration camp in particular, but the whole game really
Nemesis, in general.
The well and the Shadow Temple. Fire temple's og music is also pretty unsettling
The piano
the fact that you're stuck inside, with no sun, for the entire game. That concept really disturbs me more than anything in this game somehow.
the wartime anectdote
Look up the uncensored cutscenes on youtube. We got a pretty neutered down version of this game.
Lavender Town, even without the urban legend, is pretty creepy
The bakers being generally sentient.
That zombie scientist in the basement in particular. Ikana valley more broadly
The flood's reveal
When the Inaba turns into Silent Hill at the end
The centaurs. The Deathclaw sanctuary.
Most of the vaults in this game are very disturbing
The ending
Reading the ghost's diary
Vaas and Citra and what's implied about them.
The lab in africa with the experiments.


The bad ending
The gimp in abandonned shangri la. He gives an inhuman feel.
The plants in the lab
Psycho mantis
Re-Deads being somehow worse than in the 64 games.
Wandering the woods alone at night. I'm not surprised there are bigfoots and leatheface rumors about this game.
9S's death at the end where he gargles on his blood haunts me. Phenomenal voice acting.
Manbat jumpscare
The zombies?? at the end
The shark

1 Comment

3 months ago

I love that super mario 64 is in this list lol

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