1 Game, 1 Song

I pick 1 song per game to showcase. Sometimes it might be what I think is the best song in the game, other times it's just my favorite song. Includes DLCs if they're separate campaigns. I might also cheat a little bit with remakes/ remasters.

Winding Wetlands. This game surprisingly has a lot of decent ones.
Landstalker Stalkin - Sharr. This is like the main theme of the game to me because it was so prominent in the demo.
Snowboard Race. Lots of right answers in this OST though.
Red Beard's Ghost. Cheesy as hell, but perfectly fits Scooby-Doo.
Paris, as it sort of becomes the theme of the series.
Go West Young Raccoon. Only theme in this game that I remember.
Another game for Sega's long list of Mediocre Games with Stellar Soundtracks. Sky Troops is my favorite level which also has my favorite track.
I'm very sorry "What I'm Made Of" enjoyers, but I'm loyal to Mystic Mansion.
Main Theme. The TLoS games aren't amazing and the OST isn't anything too special, but something about the beautiful choir in this one really gets to me.
The Gardens. Simple, pleasant, and a bit nostalgic.
In terms of original pieces, Eve's Asylum.
Did you guys know Smooth McGroove was in this game?
This one is difficult because most of the OST is either licensed music or imported directly from LBP 1 and 2. If we're going for 100% original, then I pick Knighted and United.
Don't know if this one counts because it's licensed, but Vela Pirate Radio 3, or apparently Ambling, as it's called. Cannot remember any original tracks for the life of me.
Main Theme. Just plain, simple, silliness.
They finally made Cortex's Theme good.
A few really good ones in this game, but I think the remix of Dingodile's Theme is the best one.
Hard to say with this one because most if not all of it is licensed rock/metal music (including Metallica™©®), so I guess I'll go with what is apparently(???) Carpe Diem Baby.
Ski Lift. A surprisingly decent OST, give it a listen if you havent heard of it.
Very hard choice, but I'm picking Tricky Treasure Chase. Used to play these levels just to hear the music.
Tower of Babel. Another game with lots of good choices.
Toasty. Several good options, though.
Magma Cones. This song just screams "You're playing Spyro 2 right now."
Just going off of new tracks, Drive-Thru Danger. I didn't really care for any remixes of old tracks.
Nyakuza Metro - Rush Hour. Perfectly captures the vibe of the chase sequence at the end of the chapter.
This is by far the hardest game for me on this whole list. Nearly every single song in this game is amazing in its own right. In the end, I pick Sealed Vessel because of how bombastic and emotional it is.
Forgotten Land has a lot of great options. Like many Kirby games, going with the final boss theme, Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit.
Kirby is usually a tough one to choose for and this one is no exception. Gonna go with Revenge of Meta Knight Ending though.
Dedede Clones. I'm a sucker for all the remixes in this one.
Rainbow Falls. The most memorable theme in the game for me.
Basement / Lobby. Thought this OST was just okay, honestly.
Midboss Mayhem. Admittedly, I feel this game doesn't have too many memorable tracks.
Lagoon Promenade A great remix of the DK Isle theme from the DK64.
Another OST that I feel is just okay. A few good ones in there, but I remember the Gym Leader theme the most.
Many good songs in this one, but Jump Up, Superstar still makes me hype.
The Alchemist's Haven. Please tell me you also hear "He's just a poor boy from a poor family" in this song.
A lot of good choices with this one, but I gotta go with the obvious one. Primal Dialga
Probably the hardest Pokemon game for me, so many good tracks. Gonna pick Dragonspiral Tower though. Used to listen to this one the most when the game originally leaked.
BIG SHOT. Subject to change.
A very safe answer I know, but Pizza Time.
Hypnospace is Cool. Chowder Man is one of the silliest and most memorable parts of the game so I have to go with one of his catchiest songs.
Level 1. Somehow an amazing soundtrack.


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