Top 100 Favorite Games of All Time (Updated 02/17/23)

My personal favorite games of all time, ranked. This list can and will probably change daily. Favorite does not mean better. A lot of these games are of time and place importance. Each game has a note with a nugget of my personal experience with them. Enjoy!

While I prefer its predecessor, Ragnarok told an emotional story with great gameplay.
I was surprised with how much I enjoyed this game. I felt it was a step up from Innocence in every way. Improved gameplay and graphics, culminating in a haunting ending.
Can't believe how much fun I had with this. What a great game. It's just so fun.
Ghost of Tsushima to me felt like the most realized Assassin's Creed to date. Though it shares a lot of design philosophy with that series, it also very much has its own identity. Its also absolutely gorgeous.
I enjoyed Ritual of the Night, but these Curse of the Moon games are something really special. Odes to classic Castlevania and tons of fun to play.
Controversial no doubt but there's no denying that Naughty Dog games are something to be experienced. They're still unmatched in terms of graphics and presentation. I still really loved this. What a hard-hitting narrative. Gameplay that improved on the first.
Really shocked by how good this was. Square Enix showed that elements of Final Fantasy VII are really worth fleshing out. Not to mention the original things it does. I loved getting wrapped up in this world again. Can't wait for Rebirth.
I will never forget the time I spent with this game during COVID lockdown. I don't think a game was as much of a zeitgeist since Pokemon Go launched. This game was my life for a few months in 2020. I still check in on my world every now and then but I'll never forget it.
I was completely shocked at how much I loved this. It's full of humor and full of heart. I was consistently amused by its quirks. I fell in love with Ichiban and his journey. Loved all the side quests. It's amazing how this game can be taken seriously one minute and be the goofiest shit ever the next. I have to play more Yakuza but I suspect I loved this especially because of the switch to turn based combat.
A remake done right. Feels the best RE has ever felt to play. I prefer my RE in third person. Wonderful atmosphere. Smooth gameplay. Mr. X is improved. Playing with the original soundtrack was a wonderful experience.
In my eyes this is inarguably the definitive Smash Bros. experience, featuring every playable character ever in the series. It felt like they really went all out with this one and I imagine I'll be revisiting this for years to come.
One of my favorite Metroidvanias of all time. Gorgeous art and levels, hours and hours of gameplay. I had a blast playing through this one. Play it if you haven't.
Could have been too gimmicky for its own good but this had excellent gameplay that only got better as I kept playing it. This was a huge love letter to retro gaming.
I think it has some flaws (fast travel system, menus) but this completely blew me away. Narrative is amazing. Characters are complex and so well acted. Presentation is excellent, gameplay is so fun. An incredibly polished single player experience. It felt monumental when it came out.
This is just undeniably a great time. I think some of the levels are a little too open, but Mario gameplay is king.
I don't know that I can argue that it's the definitive way to experience all of these games authentically, but it bundles all three of them with great graphics and is still wonderful. I loved Crash 1 & 2 especially when I was a kid and loved that I could play remakes of them.
Like everyone else, I had a blast with this when it came out. I couldn't afford a Switch when it came out, so I bought this day one on the Wii U and still had a great time.
Unique as all hell. I think Yoko Taro's ambitions with design and story pushed this to be better. Probably the most inventive story I've played since MGS2.
This game does not need a good story to be great. It's all gameplay. So smooth and violent and fun as hell.
Really loved this. My favorite Uncharted by far. Loved all the call backs. Loved the story and the characters.
This was the first Ratchet title I saw through, and though some complain about the narrative, I saw a game with smooth, exciting gameplay that played out like a Pixar movie. I really liked Rift Apart but for some reason I look back on this one more fondly. Pure joy to play.
This was the most I've ever anticipated a game in my life. I took a week off work just so I could play it. In the end, I was left extremely disappointed by its narrative, but I cannot deny that the open world stealth gameplay is maybe some of the most fun I've ever had with a game. If this had the killer story I thought it was going to have, it would be much, MUCH higher.
Still the scariest game I've played to date and nothing even comes close. I remember watching Gamescom 2014, downloading this and the Internet trying to figure out what the fuck it was. Then the revelation of what it was and what was to come was so exciting. Such a shame Silent Hills never came to fruition.
I still can't believe that we got two great South Park games, that are great not just in their story and presentation but also their RPG mechanics. The Stick of Truth is my favorite. It plays out like a South Park movie and is insanely fun. I'd love to re-play this some day.
I also picked this up at a midnight release and honestly I had a great time with the story. I thought it was funny. I enjoyed Franklin's friendship with Lamar, Michael's family drama and Trevor's batshit shenanigans. It felt like watching a good season of TV.
Some of the best writing gaming has ever seen. Complex characters and world building. An emotional tale. You all know how good it is.
I love this and strangely it has nothing to do with my love for Metal Gear. I don't even really remember what happens in its story. I just remember it being tons of fun to play. I loved the slicing mechanic when time would slow down. I love the bombastic set pieces. Just a fun time.
I urge you to play this game if you haven't. Sleeping Dogs is awesome. Fun melee combat, driving, shooting, in a setting we don't get too much of in games. I wish we saw proper sequel.
The first Fire Emblem title I played and still my favorite to date. I really got into the combat but also got invested in the characters. Perma-death is the way to go, because it hurts when you lose a character you like but those stakes makes these games better.
Journey is arguably more of an artful experience than a game, but I've never played anything like it and I absolutely loved it. What a special game.
A really wonderful game. Starts off in a sad way but gets more and more hopeful as you explore a cute, colorful world with a unique combat system. This game has a lot of charm and heart.
I think this was the first midnight release I ever attended. I was fresh out of high school and working so I actually had some disposable income. I went with two of my friends just to go along for the ride and didn't even plan to get a copy for myself, until I eventually caved because I saw how excited everyone was. Once we all got it, we didn't really hang out for a couple of weeks but we'd just text back and forth about our respective journeys with this game. This was so immersive and such an event for us.
The Arkham series is really great (SHOW ORIGINS RESPECT) and this was my favorite. As much as I loved Arkham Asylum, I would always look over at the horizon and wonder what it would be like to be able to wander Gotham City. Here it let you do that. And it had a great narrative to boot, with a shocking ending that stuck with me.
This game absolutely rocks. It should be talked about more. Gameplay wise I had a ton of fun with it. Shoutout to Festival of Blood, probably my favorite DLC ever released. Just a great, great game.
In their heyday, BioWare was special. This was my favorite (I still haven't played 3 :( ) but I remember really loving the story, characters, engaging in the world. There really hasn't been a trilogy like this one since and I don't know if there ever will be. Data carrying over between releases is ambitious and it worked out in every way.
This was a massive deal for the PS3 and though I ultimately preferred Uncharted 4, it was a very noticeable step up from Naughty Dog and had wonderful set pieces.
This game tugged at my heart. Phenomenal characters. Amazing soundtrack. A story that never relented in its long run time. Fun turn based RPG mechanics. Loved the life sim elements. And yes, I played the PS2 version!
On one hand, this game didn't have exist. On the other, its easy to get wrapped up in its extensive fan service. I can't help but love it for what it is. Ridiculous, satisfying, emotional.
While it doesn't play as well as Persona 4, the story for Persona 3 goes to darker places. I liked a lot of the characters and had a great time with this one.
People often regard this as the best Kingdom Hearts title and though I disagree, I still love it. The gameplay is improved and the soundtrack is great. Although it seems like this was the turning point for the story becoming convoluted as all hell.
I played through the original trio of Splinter Cell games when they came out and though I don't think I was ever really that good at them, I thought they were cool as hell. I remember when playing through Chaos Theory that it felt like the best one. But it's been a long time. Added to the replay list.
I've put hundreds of hours into this game. On a gameplay level it's just so much fun. I love Dynasty mode.
I don't hold this in the same high regard as mostly everyone does. When it comes down to it, I'm a Solid Snake guy. Not so much a Big Boss guy. Still there's no denying this game is excellent.
Yeah the campaign is cool and all, but Halo 2 multiplayer. I still play it via the Master Chief collection.
I remember when this came out and released at $20. Maybe the most insane value ever in gaming. This had better gameplay than Madden and featured really unique mechanics, like SportsCenter presentation and even celebrity encounters. You could earn money, build your 'crib' and customize your home. What a game this was.
This game is dope. Shooting and telekinesis. An old friend of mine had this and I knew I'd love it. I want to replay this.
It's astounding that a game like this ever made. I'd argue it's the most bleak game ever made, and certainly one of the most violent. It's got mood for days. It's dirty, grimy and gritty. There's nothing like it.
My favorite racing game and it's not really close. What more do I have to say? You fire it up and are greeted by Get Low. You race and upgrade your car, adding things like nitrous, spoilers, neon lights. This felt like a reaction to The Fast and the Furious and I loved it. I still play it sometimes.
Getting off the board and traversing is clunky, but I loved the story mode for this. Starting in a small town and working your way into the pros, with a truly despicable antagonist.
Silent Hill for the PS1 was the first, and Silent Hill 2 for the PS2 is the best, so it may be easy to overlook Silent Hill 3 but you shouldn't. This game is excellent in its own right. It's moody, creepy and a great time. Silent Hill 1-3 is easily one of gaming's best trilogies.
I played GTA so much when I was a kid. This was always my favorite. This had my favorite soundtrack, my favorite cars, my favorite map and my favorite protagonist. I love replaying this one.
My favorite Tony Hawk experience so far. Loved that this had a new career mode, laying the groundwork for Underground and other sequels. It felt so good to play. Great levels, great soundtrack. This game is endlessly playable.
I fell in love with this game the second I saw it. I finally got to play it at a friend's house and adored it. I remember other kids saying this game was lame because you cleaned things. Meanwhile I was over here saying this game rules! You clean things!!
This game rules, so much. It released on three different platforms with a unique bonus character for each one. It played so well, had great presentation and endless replay value.
I remember playing this when it came out. Blew my mind that it was a Disney/Final Fantasy combo that also felt like its own thing. Loved pretty much all of the worlds. Great soundtrack. If I could live in any fictional game world it would probably be Destiny Islands.
I really recommend Super Bunnyhop's review of this game. This game is phenomenal. He presents the idea that the fixed camera is akin to a movie director artfully showing you what he wants you to see and how every frame is impressive and I agree. It's so fun to play. One of the best remakes ever. You could play it HD on modern consoles or on Gamecube and either way it holds up.
I love this this game has prevailed in the fighting game community. It felt like a massive step up from the original. It's a blast. Like many others, this was my intro to Fire Emblem.
The couch co-op memories I have with this one. A really great, fun campaign. Great atmosphere, wonderful gameplay. Probably my favorite multiplayer experience ever.
I remember asking my Dad to buy me this game after my cousin introduced me to the series. I absolutely fell in love with it. The latter section of the game scared me as a kid. Further analysis over the years reinforced how brilliant this game is. The design and narrative are next level.
I can't shake how much I love GTA3. This was the first PS2 game I ever played. I remember my brother and I both asked for a PS2 for Christmas and my parents agreed that we could have it early knowing we'd open less gifts on Christmas morning. My brother and I took turns playing it. Just the shift from PS1 to this was a transition that I couldn't even put into words. Being able to do anything you wanted, go anywhere, with a campy, Godfather-inspired story. I know this game so well and I love it.
Like Symphony of the Night, I consider this game masterful in its design. Deep psychological narrative. Blown away by how seemingly little gameplay bits change the ending you get. Silent Hill is scarier than Resident Evil.
Honestly just what a great concept by Nintendo. Luigi's Mansion is a spooky good time.
I think the gameplay in this series improves as it goes (besides 2) but the first Devil May Cry is special to me because of its setting. It felt contained and unique at the time. It was bloody and demonic and cool as hell.
Not everyone loves it, but I do. One of my favorite early PS2 experiences. I remember thinking it had the best graphics I had ever seen. Loved the world and the narrative. Amazing soundtrack. Maybe my favorite turn based combat in the series.
I need to play more Onimusha titles, but what's not to love? Capcom RE formula with a supernatural, samurai spin? This was so much fun.
For some reason we didn't own this when I was a kid despite owning most Final Fantasy titles. I didn't play through this until a couple of years ago but it's really great. Loved the return to a fantasy setting and some of the characters.
Some of the most gorgeous 2D art ever in a video game. I'm not a big fighting game guy but this game is so fun. In the same category of masterfully made games as a few others on this list.
I've always been a staunch defender of this game and loved it just as much as RE2 when I was a kid. I understand the resentment towards this as being rushed and not iterative, but I loved that I could go back to the police station. I love the soundtrack (city of ruin is sooo good). The beginning section is my favorite because you spent some time in Raccoon City. And I always shit my pants whenever Nemesis showed up.
This series rules. I don't think every game in it is great, but the lore, the characters, the gothic vibe is all so good. I remember being into this from the opening cinematic. This game is a lot of fun. I still have to play the sequel.
You know I love that classic RE formula. Here Capcom applied it to a game about dinosaurs. Some people thought this was lame for being like Resident Evil but I loved it.
Genuinely scared me when I was playing. If you're in the Nightmare world long enough you'll be desperate to get out. Amazing atmosphere.
Yes, Smash has gotten better. But the years and years I played this with my friends makes this the most special one for me. Even as late as 2012/2013 me and three or four other friends would play the crap out of this game. A smaller roster and fewer maps meant really getting good at this. It's just so fun.
I used to consider this my favorite game of all time until I decided on its sequel. A masterclass in story and voice acting. Uncontested enemy design. Foxhound is the coolest band of enemies ever in a game.
I only played through this once and I need to revisit it again, because I remember really loving it. It had a good story, and a good world. This could end up being higher after I revisit it.
Another Street Fighter title that rules. This one has a great cast of characters and gorgeous art. One day I want to love a Street Fighter title as much as the ones on this list. 2D>3D
I know people say the gameplay of these old RE titles doesn't hold up. I can't disagree, but I played it so much when I was a kid that it feels easy to me. Love the old RE formula. The two different campaigns. Running around a lonely, dangerous Raccoon City. The police station is a legendary level. I see this game and I immediately think of the Safe Room music.
My best friend and I played this for countless hours. I have great memories skipping school every once in a while (in the late 2000s) to get high and play this for hours. I don't know that I can tell you that I think it's the best kart racer ever made, but its easily my favorite.
Point and click adventure games are hit and miss for me, but none come close to this. (Okay, Grim Fandango comes close). I thought this game was stunning in a lot of ways. Based on a property I love and it does it justice. It had a really good story, really cool level design. I played through this several times and it never felt like a slog. I'd love to exist in this game's world.
Masterful game design. Almost unfathomably well made. The best metroidvania I've ever played.
Probably the best world ever put to a game. The story is epic and transcendent. Phenomenal soundtrack. I watched my brother play this endlessly when I was a kid. I finally played through it on my own when I was ready and put over 100 hours in it, following a GameFAQs guide to get everything I possibly could.
I played this for the first time just last year and I wish I had this when I was a kid because I would've loved it back then. As it stands now it's still a wonderful RPG with unique settings and ideas. I haven't played any of the sequels and I look forward to doing so.
Mario Kart 64 still holds up very well. I really fell in love with it when I played it a bunch with an ex of mine.
I remember being exposed to this for the first time. I thought it was the coolest game ever. There was certainly nothing like it before it came out. Playing through it makes me feel like a kid again.
This goes for Red, Blue and Yellow. Such amazing gameplay. I revisit these games probably once a year or two. I don't know if I can ever like a Pokemon title as much as these. I remember playing these on my Gameboy Color and collecting Pokemon cards, and eventually watching the anime. What a great time that was.
I haven't played through Chrono Trigger in probably 15 years but I remember how amazing I thought it was. I need to replay it.
I love the trilogy of Mega Man X games on the Super Nintendo. This takes an established formula and provides a great time.
I will be replaying this when the Pixel Remaster comes to consoles. I've seen it about halfway through before I fell off. Its really great, but I always had a little bit of a bias against it because people always said it's better than FF4. Maybe they're right. I'm excited to play it again because I did love what I played.
I don't have to tell you why Street Fighter II is here. Just an exceptional game.
My favorite Mega Man, by far. Outstanding bosses. Fun as hell to play. Amazing soundtrack. I adore this game so so much.
I don't think any Mortal Kombat game is as good as most Street Fighter games, but I played this so much as a kid. I unabashedly love the world of Mortal Kombat. I love the characters. This had cool levels, a cool soundtrack (on Genesis) and was also really hard.
I love Rondo of Blood. It's really hard but worth completing. I really like Richter Belmont. It's my favorite of the old school Castlevania games.
I used to watch my older brother play this and though I had no idea what was going on, I loved the character models and sci-fi aesthetic. As I got older and learned to understand RTS, this is still the only one I've ever really gotten into. It helps that its based off of an awesome IP.
I didn't own this game as a kid, but I played it at a neighborhood kid's house because her older brother had it. I remember falling in love with the world and the enemy design and the music. I spent years wondering what this game was because I would just think about it. Eventually some time in the 2000s I came across it on the internet and remembered all over again. I just love this game. Filled to the brim with charm.
My definitive childhood Mario experience. The fact that it contains all three games and the lost levels with gorgeous art means this is easily my favorite compilation of all time. My dad was actually a really good Mario speed runner. I can see myself playing this game for the rest of my life.
I couldn't imagine not enjoying Turtles in Time. Whenever I saw this arcade cabinet I had to play it.
Yes, this is properly named Final Fantasy IV, but Final Fantasy II is how I knew it as a kid. This was one of the first games I ever played and certainly the first RPG I ever played. I used to watch my older brother play this and I would be in awe at the characters and the music. I've played it countless times. It showed me how games can live endlessly in your imagination. <3
This just feels so good to play. What a well designed game. I love how the map feels big but small at the same time. Classic Zelda formula rocks.
One of the first games I ever played. Sunset Riders rules. It's fun no matter who you play with. It's challenging at times. The stages are dynamic. Bosses are entertaining with unique gimmicks. I'd imagine this game will always be fun.
I need to finish ActRaiser. Though I've never beaten it, the unique combination of side scrolling action platforming and city building makes for a really memorable experience.
I would say this game is better than any individual game on All Stars but that has more going for it for me personally. This is the best platformer ever made. The art, the music, introduction of Yoshi, all the secrets in the world. It really doesn't get better than this.


1 year ago

great list, although I will say I haven't played most of these :p
more to add to the backlog then? thank you for checking it out!!

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