My Favorite Games of All Time (Definitive)

Kind of ranked, to whatever extent I can possibly rank how influential pieces of art have been on me (very very very loosely and subject to change on a minute-by-minute basis)












5 months ago

Many games I'm not familiar with!
It gives me a lot of inspiration for my next game to play tho 😄

Really cool to see Silent Hill 3 so high on your list, and I'm glad to see love for Super Paper Mario!
I want to play Shadow of the Colossus so badly, but it's only available on PS4 unfortunately..

5 months ago

@Armakeen I'm excited to see what you play next!!! And yeah it's kind of surprising how inaccessible SotC is for how much impact it had on the industry, I emulated it and Ico without any issues but I've also heard a lot of people have trouble with performance, which is really annoying. I hope we start seeing more official emulation like Nintendo's doing, there's just so much stuff you just can't play anymore if you don't have a solid PC and the know-how :((((

4 months ago

You have really interesting taste as always though I respect that, a lot more fun to look at over the big titles you'd expect from most. If there's anything this list tells me, I need to explore the indie scene more.

4 months ago

@Septns thank you!!! I love trying to hit a good contrast in the art I approach, and I have a lot of mutuals who develop indies, so I'm always stacking up more weird stuff and then filling in the gaps with AAAs when I have excess time.
I'm still embarrassed for not including some stuff here, like I see Chulip as a core game for me but I haven't technically played it myself yet so I can't place it accurately. There are a TON of games that will definitely break the list once I inevitably get to them (re: my 100+ retro backlog I just haven't made enough time for).

4 months ago

Chulip would def be right at home on here boss, you also strike me as an Illbleed lifer

4 months ago

@_YALP I can almost guarantee Illbleed will be somewhere in the top 30, that shit's RIGHT up my alley

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