Games with Themes

Me doing my best to interpret the deeper meaning of a game, if there is one.

Justice based on lies isn't justice
Power corrupts, but ultimately, it is your choice to make
Liberatarians bad

(do people actually think this game is deep?)
The future is worth protecting beyond your own life.
Degeneracy is fun but it will catch up to you, and you will pay for it.
You can run but your past will catch up to you eventually.
It's not because it's fictional that it does not matter or that its not real.

(basically that south park imaginationland episode)
Civilisation has collapsed. You can save it or let it die and hope for something better.
It's so joever. Let it go man.
Selfish pursuits can destroy what truly matters: family.
I can't even begin with how many things this game touches upon.

But what marked me the most was the "final boss". A desolate man, clinging to an ideology that's evolved, but he hasn't, playing no true scotsman, being stuck in the past.

Best way I could sum it up is: Yeah the present sucks major ass, but clinging to X or Y ideology of the past is just cope.
Childhood is a wonderful journey, be sure to enjoy it because what lays ahead is horrifying


Humanity's foolishness will doom us all.
Society can rebuild if it's given a chance
Geopolitics is a messy thing and while all sides may not be equal, we have to understand what the other wants and why
No matter how civilised and docile we get, beneath us lays great capability for violence if placed in the right situation.
Sometimes the authoritarian strongman really is what a place needs.
Basically Berserk (The Struggle)
Wait are we the baddies :(
Humanity truly can recover and heal, no matter how much hatred and destruction there has been.
When people die, it hurts a lot, but that does not mean their life was in vain, they can still matter in their death.

Also the environment.
Forging your own path has its cost
We want our media to give us the same thing we always get and punish those who try to break out of the mold
Closing yourself off can prevent you from actually appreciating the small beautiful things in life.
Life is short, make sure what you do with it worthwhile
Sometimes, lies can go so big they create generations of ignorant people, and breaking these lies is no easy job
To defy fate, you need to go off the beaten path.

Yeah the irony.
Make sure you enjoy your youth, as eventually, the call of responsability will fall hard on you, and only memories will remain.
The building of a better future might requires sacrifices in the short term, but they are ultimately worth it.
History is written by the victors, and sometimes, the victors aren't actually the good guys.
War is truly tragic and people who could have been close friends under different circumstances are forced to kill each other over misunderstandings.
Taking out your anger on others won't solve your own problems.
Greek Gods are assholes
Greek Gods are REALLY assholes.
The American Dream, if it ever existed, has been dead for a long time.
We live in a society,

(I was actually planning on writing more, but this is how I started my sentence and when I realised that I decided to leave it as is. Blah blah hollywood superficial)
We are such a small part of the universe that we do not understand and if we keep fucking around, we are going to find out.
Your free will is what makes you human and to have it taken away is blasphemous to mankind.
Humanity is such a fragile thing and we have to fight every day to keep it alive in a universe that wants us dead.


Sometimes, polar opposites can have a lot more in common than we think


Through some work, it's possible for former enemies to work together and achieve great things.
God help us if we ever create something more powerful than us.
Japan's punitive justice system is really fucked.
something something power of friendship
Smoke meth while you're writing your fanfic
Is humanity worth saving?
Revenge bad

but told through the perspective of an Israeli leftist.

Revenge bad when abby (israel) but REALLY bad when Ellie (palestine)
Are you sure what you're doing is truly the right thing?
Your childhood is worth living, do not skip it
Time is limited, you can not do everything and save everyone in your life. Don't beat yourself up over it.

(Just forget about speedrunners)
The old world is gone, and old men shouldn't stand in the way of the youth doing something with the world they've inherited.
Your legend isn't written yet. It's up to you to do it.
Life is Strange.
Nihilism destroys all hope of things ever getting better
How humanity would react to meeting equivalent species really is up in the air
Take the time to check on how your friends are doing. You might just save their lives.
Nuclear waste really is an issue we should take more seriously.

Can someone who kills truly be called a hero?

Do genes dictate what we are?
The internet is truly a monstrosity over which we have no control, and unseen forces will dictate what future generations will learn about history.
The true heroes are the ones who do the right thing, even if they will be hated for it.

Can friendship develop through enemy lines?
You will grow old and the world will change. Not everyone will get their happy ending. Nevertheless, even when dealt a bad hand, you must strive to live your life on your own terms.
War isn't for some great cause. It's just for some special unseen interests that you can't even see.

History is quite a bit more boring when lived through it rather than having it explained to you.

The gameification of war really does not bring anything actually satisfying.

You will always itch for more, like there is something missing. There isn't actually more. That's just how it is. The grass isnt actually greener.
The strong must rule over the weak is a self defeating ideology.


Takes the "the two sides of a war are the same" and puts it to a literal sense.

What Last of Us 2 wishes it was
Humanity will eventually end, but that does not mean our time will have been useless.
The daily grind of life is boring and you need an outlet or a passion to keep you going (represented in the game as killing people)
Revenge bad

but done worse than Last of Us 2 somehow
Be your true self
Death is inevitable, and you must spend the time you have doing something productive because just waiting to die is a terrible idea.
There is but one truth in this world, and you must reach for it even if it makes you unconfortable and you don't like it.
Any authority that abuses its power against the vulnerable is illegitimate and must be stood up to.
Nature is dangerous and should not be toyed with, even if well intentionned
The pokemon are fine with fighting, stop whining like a nerd and enjoy the fucking game.


Experimenting on live subjects is wrong.
The opressed will become the opressor at the first opportunity he gets if he has no reason to be better than that.
Redemption will not always yield reward
Refusing to move on from the idealised "good old times" will eventually kill you.
No amout of eugenic mumbo jumbo will stop a dude with a gun from killing you
Family is what is most important, even in extreme circumstances
The most noble calling of a parent is to sacrifice themselves for their child
A deal with a devil is just that. A deal with a devil.
Eventually, the world will be such an unrecognizable alien place we'll be glad we died before seeing it turn into that.
A good parent does not use his child for his own gain
The easy way out is not the awnser
Nothing is scarier than the idea of having to bring another life into this world.
Eventually you will have to leave your nest, even if the outside world is scary.
bullying trauma bad

i learnt these words on tiktok
You are superior because of the actions you choose, not how you were made.
Sometimes the mundane can be fantastical
On a long enough timeline, the rules you thought were set in stone start to fall apart.
Through hardship, life can give the best opportunities
You should be yourself rather than trying to please whatever crowd happens to be in at the moment. But that's also not an excuse to avoid social connections
A lot a lot. But essentially the same as Evangelion. (breaking down the barriers preventing us from making connections.
Behind every "insane" person, there is someone who was deeply hurt
The old tries to kill the new before it even has a chance to flourish
No matter how down you fall, you can always get back and work your way back up
Social media and influencer culture can destroy the reputation of otherwise innocent people


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