Least Favorite Things About My Five Star Games

Presented in the order I first played them. Some games omitted for not remembering enough about them. Explicitly autobiographical games not included for obvious reasons.

Played: 2005

It's hard to complain about Tetris but I think the fact that I don't ever feel like returning to thinking about it is something I don't like about it.
Played: 2005

This game is incredible but everything about the Gerudo is really fucking bad and not enough people seem to recognize that.
Played: 2006

The second half of this game could go a little slower than it does. It goes by really, really quickly compared to the more developed, slow-burn parts of the earlygame.
Played: 2007

The Gerudo section.
Played: 2007

Some of the chapters feel a lot less memorable than the other ones, particularly Chapter 2 and 5.
Played: 2009

The postgame reeks.
Played: 2010

Some of the characters are kind of dumb.
Played: 2011

People bitch way too much about the backtracking but there is a lot of it lol. Been watching my wife play this game for the first time and the fact that she has had to return to Hooktail's Castle three times so far is kinda goofy
Played: 2011

I think the ending of this game is genuinely atrocious --the fact that there's presented a really thorny and complex choice where one of the answers is "erm how about NONE OF THEM and then EVERYONE IS HAPPY ^_^" is really silly to me.
Played: 2011

The classic Metroid misogyny.
Played: 2011

This is one of the most misogynistic Final Fantasy games to a ridiculously wide degree. Not as bad as anything Yoshi P has ever touched, but pretty bad! Also the final stretch of this game is kind of awful.
Played: 2011

The Marsh Cave, as an area, feels really pointless.
Played: 2011

Grinding for every soul to get one of the endings is annoying.
Played: 2012

The default art style is really ugly.
Played: 2012

A little long for what it is, and the bow and arrows basically not having much use past the halfway mark is a bit sad.
Played: 2012

A lot of the dungeons kind of blur together, which the remake changes in ways I appreciate.
Played: 2013

The fact that you have to live your life a specific heteronormative way or face game overing is a pretty reactionary quality of the game.
Played: 2014

Shovel Knight's campaign feels a little undercooked narratively and metatextually compared to the others.
Played: 2014

I don't think cavemen are that funny...
Played: 2014

This game is just awful in every way, frankly! It's just also so interestingly esoteric because of that.
Played: 2015

I have a pretty intense love-hate relationship with a lot of aspects of this game. I really do not like a lot of the moment-to-moment experience of this game's dungeons.
Played: 2015

The Crystal Tower doesn't have to be like that.
Played: 2015

There is little about this game I don't like. I wrote a four and a half hour video discussing it. That being said, I could do without some of the weird perspectives on race and its wishy-washy perspectives on women.
Played: 2015

The ridiculously increased difficulty compared to the original is really obnoxious.
Played: 2015

This game, like its direct predecessor, has a really complex relationship to misogyny. There's a lot of stuff in this game I find pretty gross even if there's a lot of stuff in it I find feminist! The slap fight in particular is just the worst.
Played: 2015

Sometimes the writing can be a bit grating, but it's not as bad as many people I know say it is.
Played: 2015

Homestuck does not have a good relationship with race.
Played: 2016

Some of the boss fights are a pain in the ass.
Played: 2016

A lot of the game feels superfluous or tacked on, it's a little too big for its own good.
Played: 2016

The side modes feel like a weird afterthought, though that's pretty par for the course for Kirby.
Played: 2017

The second case is pretty stupid and I'm not a huge fan of Klavier Gavin in general.
Played: 2017

I really don't think Gwyndolin is good trans girl rep.
Played: 2017

This is going to sound bizarre for such a short game, but at points feels a little long? It's hard to say.
Played: 2017

A bit repetitive in places, could've used a bit more variety in place, I think.
Played: 2017

You have to hurt Elizabeth Bartley :(
Played: 2017

It's extremely hard to survive this game on some builds and it sort of sours the experience, which is pretty typical for CRPGs.
Played: 2017

Some parts of the progression could stand to be a little more clear.
Played: 2018

Really misogynistic. Chris Avellone.
Played: 2018

The plot's entire structure as "there was a bigger guy BEHIND this guy!" for the opening hours is kind of stupid.
Played: 2018

Really misogynistic game!
Played: 2018

If it hadn't been the first of this type of game I played I probably wouldn't care about it.
Played: 2019

I think the art style looks worse than the original black and green, which isn't to say it looks bad --it looks great! I just think the black and green tones of the original Link's Awakening suit the game much more than this particular style.
Played: 2020

As time has gone on since the last time I played this I like Zidane as a character less and less. I really like a lot of the characters in FFIX but the more I think about this game the less I like Zidane's whole role in it.
Played: 2020

Those rooms where you get an encounter every step are a huge pain in the ass.
Played: 2020

Knuckles' story feels unfinished.
Played: 2020

Reggie is a really egregious racial stereotype and not enough people talk about his presence in the game --and of course there's the infamous portrayal of trans people.
Played: 2021

A lot of the area maps are pretty pointlessly labyrinthine.
Played: 2021

A lot of the reactionary inclinations of Dragon Quest bring this game down in some regards for me, like the fetishization of monarchy and the orientalism. Not unique to this game but still a sour spot. Also the monster catching being entirely randomized is a pretty strange decision that makes the game kind of nightmarish to play.
Played: 2021

The additional choice in marriage doesn't really add anything to the game and is kind of just a mean-spirited joke.
Played: 2021

Doesn't do as much with the structure of JRPGs as I'd like? Also comes packaged with the standard Dragon Quest orientalism but that's not particularly unique to this entry.
Played: 2021

This game fucking sucks
Played: 2021

The pacing gets a bit fucked between the Dead Sea and Time Fortress Chronopolis but the ship rights itself in time. Lots of weird misogyny throughout.
Played: 2021

Grinding for health pick-ups after each and every death isn't particularly interesting, but I also roll my eyes at the sexualization of Samus at the end. It only really gets worse from here, though.
Played: 2021

This is a really hard game to complain about because it's basically perfect. Just can't stand the misogyny again.
Played: 2021

Often thinks it's funnier than it is and many segments last a little too long for my tastes but I ultimately prefer that to them being too short.
Played: 2021

It makes me severely motionsick!
Played: 2021

Played: 2021

You have to play as someone other than Mint.
Played: 2021

The sewers are pretty lame.
Played: 2022

Dressing up Aqua is a really weird way of performing ownership over her, especially because she's the only Kingdom Hearts character who ever gets this treatment.
Played: 2022

The caveman chapter is one of the most painfully unfunny things I've ever been exposed to.
Played: 2022

This is the game I like the most proportional to how bad its writing is.
Played: 2022

The Tower of Balue is kind of a weird segment of the game and feels entirely unnecessary.
Played: 2022

The game has a lot of retreading old ground and a generally less distinct and imaginative art style than the first game.
Played: 2022

This game is for liberals.
Played: 2022

I have something very specific to cite here: the reuse of the Abstract Daddy boss fight outside of its original context really devalues it. There are arguments to be made in favor of its reuse but to me it just felt cheap to take the boss fight that's evoked the most emotion out of me in any video game and do this with it.
Played: 2022

This game is horrible and that makes it fascinating but it truly is a vacuous digital landscape.
Played: 2022

I think this game's complexity leads to it inadvertently arguing for some harmful ideas sometimes, and I bristle with its general dismissive and irreverent approach to communism ideologically --though I do think it's often funny.
Played: 2022

It's attached to Metal Gear Rising.
Played: 2022

The ending is really stupid.
Played: 2022

The humor doesn't always land for me.
Played: 2022

The amount of pedophilic jokes and innuendo in this game is incredibly disturbing and if I had known what the game was referencing when I played it I don't know if I would have had the same charitable perspectives on it that I did.
Played: 2022

The new art style is really ugly.
Played: 2022

The entire forest level sort of washed over me.
Played: 2022

That it has an ending.
Played: 2022

The grinding in this game is as annoying as people say, sadly.
Played: 2022

It's a little long in the tooth.
Played: 2022

Some parts of it were a little unclear and I think the mundanity goes by a little too quickly before it becomes really strange.
Played: 2022

There are a few caricatures in this game that come off as extremely mean-spirited.
Played: 2022

The stuff with Cynthia is the only time I've found Silent Hill repulsively misogynistic, at least in the original series of games.
Played: 2022

A little too easy for a lot of the friction to work better than it does. I love time limits and I love permadeath, but this game is pretty easy to get through without either affecting you all that much.
Played: 2022

Sometimes the battles can go for a little too long.
Played: 2022

Would've like for some of its imagery to be explored in greater depth.
Played: 2023

Played: 2023

The obvious choice is the loot system but this game really does not like women all that much!
Played: 2023

Some aspects of the ending are really really silly.
Played: 2023

I think some of the attempts at social commentary are pretty silly, to put it lightly.
Played: 2023

I kinda just don't care that much for SMT combat? I know people love it but it doesn't do a whole lot for me. This game rules though.
Played: 2023

The romance between Dante and Lucia could've used a lot of work in the writing room. I love this game's story but that is a part of it that I think could've been portrayed much better.
Played: 2023

Too cute!
Played: 2023

It's a Kojima game, could it be anything other than the misogyny?
Played: 2023

I love Kaine with all my heart but girl put some clothes on
Played: 2023

Very difficult game to complain about. I wish it was a little less hard I guess? I dunno!
Played: 2023

Toward the end of the game the combat gets really tedious. I think the systems are really novel and fun but they end up dragging a lot by the end due to a lack of variation.
Played: 2023

Some of the areas in the game feel a little dry and I think it goes for a little too long.
Played: 2023

I think the writing in this game is a huge detriment to it, though it's nowhere near as bad as it is in its sequel.
Played: 2023

It can melt your brain if you aren't careful.
Played: 2023

This game is so ridiculously misogynistic at points that at times I'm extremely embarrassed for liking it at all.
Played: 2023

Arioch dies 😔
Played: 2023

Not crazy about some of the more juvenile humor in this game.


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