Top 100 I guess

11-100 are not in order
1-10 are also not necessarily in order, but stand over the other 90

Series are grouped together for the most part, unless some entries stand out more than others

Mid~late teenage defining game
Life changing anime. Classic Yakuza-heads might argue it's not the best, but it was my first and every game after felt like a downgrade compared to it.
Mechanically the most content out of any DMC. Held back only by its boring level design which isn't that big of a deal in an action game like this
Got it the same day I got SA2:B. Favorite Smash game and in my opinion one of the greatest sequels ever made
Favorite Sonic game, outstanding music and generally nostalgic game
Co-op game that dominated many sleepovers with my neighbor.
Special to me, it's the first DMC game I took seriously and tried to S rank. Not the best in the series, but I love it for what it is.
The first non-Valve PC game I played that made me feel like a real PC gamer, standing over console plebs. Some of my favorite story/writing in any game I played
A game I went in with middling expectations and fell in love with. Glaring flaws are made up for by its lovable personality.
Early teenage defining game


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